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//Kurt is a prince and he keeps turning down all the marriage proposals from eligible girls because he's in love with the gardener boy (aka Blaine). Yes I did steal this plot from a tumblr post.//

"I just don't like her!" Kurt argues.

Burt rolls his eyes. "Listen, I've brought six eligible princesses here for you to wed, Kurt. And you turned them all down." he sighs. "What was wrong with that one?!"

"She was just stuck up and boring." Kurt shrugs. This wasn't true. They girl actually seemed not that bad if he wanted to marry a girl. The problem was, he didn't. Because he was gay.

"That's what you've said about the last three! I'm starting to think you need to lower your standards, son. I just want you to marry a nice girl and have kids who will be able to carry on the kingdom when we're gone!" Burt says, frustrated.

"Well what if I don't want to marry a girl just to take care of some dumb kingdom?!" Kurt yells, storming off to the garden.

Kurt dramatically fell into a chair in the middle of the rose garden.

"Are you okay?" Said the curly headed gardener. Also known as Blaine, Kurt's.... friend. It was complicated. Obviously Kurt couldn't be with him because for one, he was a boy, and for two, he wasn't a prince. Blaine liked Kurt back but was scared to admit his love to the prince, knowing that he was basically a nobody.

Kurt sighs. "My dad is starting to question why I'm turning down every princess he tries to set me up with." he chuckles bitterly. "If only he knew why..."

Blaine frowns, gently squeezing Kurt's hand. "Give me one second." He says softly, walking away.

Kurt giggles softly, a little puzzled at what Blaine was doing.

Blaine walked back with a couple roses for Kurt, one yellow one and two red ones. He hands them to Kurt.

Kurt smiles. "These are beautiful, Blaine." He blushes.

Suddenly, Sam, Kurt's personal knight and best friend walked over. "Kurt, they need you in th-" he starts but then looks up.

Sam smirks a bit. "Am I interrupting something?"

Kurt clears his throat. "N-No." he blushes, standing up so he could go wherever they needed him. "I'll see you soon, Blaine. Thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful." he smiles before rushing off with Sam.

"What was that about?" Sam winks at Kurt.

Kurt blushes. "It was nothing." he says, giggling softly as he looked down at the roses.

Sam smirks, nudging Kurt. "Oh you're so in love!" he teases.

Kurt clears his throat, trying to collect himself before he walked into the kitchen to sort out some things, ignoring what Sam even though he knew Sam was right.


After many hours of running around the castle, getting ready for the big masquerade ball they were having soon, Kurt went up to his room.

He saw that sitting on the table, there was a new, fresher bouquet of red and yellow roses.

Kurt beamed excitedly and when Sam came to check on him before bed, he found Kurt squealing adorably as he put the bouquet on a vase.

"You know who brought those?" Sam smirks. "Blaine?" Kurt giggles, knowing it was him. "Guess who you have to thank because he helped sneak your little lover boy up here so he could drop off the roses?" Sam teases.

"You're the best, Sam." Kurt smiles, hugging his best friend.

Kurt fell onto his bed, sighing happily. "Is it crazy for me to fall for him? I know it can't go anywhere for many reasons..." Kurt trails off. "But I really like him. He's so sweet and caring and.... and gorgeous. Like, have you seen him?!" Kurt blushes, shutting up cause he realized he was rambling.

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