After School

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"Are you sure it's okay we're skipping last period?" Kurt asks warily as Blaine pulled him into the empty choir room. He knew exactly what was going to happen, considering him and Blaine had a friends with benefits type of situation.

Blaine smiles and turns Kurt around, pulling him into a kiss, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, bringing him closer.

"Yeah, alright. It's definitely okay. This is was better than French class." Kurt giggles, kissing Blaine deeper.

Blaine smirks and pulls away, hovering over Kurt's lips. "You know, you can practice your French right now. I'd love to hear it." He whispers, kissing Kurt again.

Kurt runs his hand into Blaine's hair at the nape of his neck. "bon sang tu es chaud." He moans softly.

Blaine moans into the kiss, pulling Kurt closer to him, pressing their hard-on's together.

Kurt pulls away. "Blaine! We can't have sex in the choir room! Anyone could walk in at any moment!" He says, backing up.

Blaine frowns "come on, babe. We have at least thirty minutes till anyone comes for glee practice."

"No, Blaine." Kurt sighs. "You know what, go find someone else to fuck. I'm over this." Kurt snaps, leaving the room.

Blaine follows him out into the hallway. "Kurt, you can't just leave! We're still friends!"

"No, we're not! I don't know what the hell your problem is but I don't want this! So call me when you get some goddamn sense in your head and decide you want more than just sex and make out sessions!" Kurt yells, storming off.

The problem was, that was exactly what Blaine wanted, he just didn't think that Kurt liked him in that way.


Blaine had called Kurt ten times in the next two days, praying for Kurt to answer him so he could explain himself, but sadly, Kurt didn't ever answer.

Kurt ignored Blaine at school for the rest of the week and had been skipping glee club to order avoid him.

Finally, that Saturday at 8:00pm, Kurt answered Blaine's thirtieth call.

"What do you want, Blaine?" Kurt sighs angrily.

"You." Blaine replies breathlessly.

"This better not be some booty call, Anderson. I'm not in the mood for your shit right now." Kurt sighs.

"Kurt, just hear me out. Please." Blaine pleads.

"Fine. You've got two minutes before I hang up." Kurt sasses.

"Okay well um... I want more from this than just sex, Kurt. Yes, you're my best friend, but I want more than friendship. I want to be your boyfriend. I've wanted you since the moment we became friends. And then when this whole friends with benefits things started, I savored it because, since I thought you would never want a relationship with me, I figured it was the closest I was ever going to get with you." Blaine said quickly, trying to get it all out before Kurt hung up.

"Yeah right! All you ever wanted from me was sex. And that's all you ever will want from me. I know that, Blaine." Kurt choked out. "You have fifteen seconds. Anything else you want to say?"

"Okay fine... if you don't believe me... meet me at the park by my house in half an hour. I will explain everything. No time limit, no sex, no one listening in like my dad probably is right now. Just us... okay?" Blaine pleads.

"Fine. I'll see you then." Kurt sighs, hanging up.

Blaine sprang up from his bed, redoing his hair and then driving to the park.

Kurt got there and saw Blaine sitting on one of the swings, looking as adorable as always.

Blaine got up when he noticed Kurt. He walked over to Kurt and gently took his hand.

Kurt gasps softly when Blaine grabs his hand, not expecting him to do that because he's never really done that before unless it was to pull him to somewhere to make out or have sex.

Blaine gently squeezes Kurt's hand, looking up at him. "Kurt, please, let me explain myself."

Kurt just nods, smiling softly, urging Blaine to keep talking.

Blaine takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Kurt, I'm madly in love with you. I'm sorry I never brought that up before, I was just terrified. I was terrified that you would freak out and everything we had, including our friendship and any potential chance of us ever being together, would be ruined. You are the best person in my life. I didn't initially just want to be friends with benefits. We started that whole thing and I knew it was a mistake but I thought it was as close to you as I was ever going to get, so I went along with it. But it was never what I wanted." Blaine says. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but I would have rather waited till it was a special time... you know... for us." Blaine blushes.

Kurt giggles softly. "Blaine... you're rambling. But it's cute, so carry on."

"Well, what I'm meaning to say is... I would really love it if you would let me be your boyfriend." Blaine blushes nervously.

Kurt nods and smiles brightly. "Of course I will let you be my boyfriend, Blaine. But only if you'll let me be your boyfriend." He giggles.

Blaine holds both of Kurt's hands, smiling at him.

Kurt giggles "come here and kiss me, dork." He smiles, leaning in.

Blaine connects their lips, kissing him in a way they hadn't ever really kissed before, there was more feeling and love behind it.

Kurt pulls away, holding Blaine closer. "How about we go back to my house and watch some movies?" He smiles. "I want to cuddle." He blushes.

Blaine kisses Kurt's cheek. "Let's go." He smiles, walking Kurt to his car.


Kurt sat down on his bed, cuddling up with Blaine. Blaine peppers Kurt's face in little kisses and Kurt giggles. "Babe! That tickles!" He squeals.

Blaine stops and smiles, cuddling back up into Kurt's side.

Kurt sighs happily. "Thank you for getting my stubborn ass to listen to you."

Blaine giggles "oh please, your ass is anything but stubborn." He smirks.

Kurt giggles, playfully hitting Blaine's shoulder. "Blaine Anderson!" He teases.

Blaine giggles "I'm sorry! I couldn't resist it!" He smirks.

"Okay see! I have dirty comments but I'm keeping them in." He giggles. "And I think I'm going to take you up on that offer."

"What offer?" Blaine asks, confused.

"Of waiting till the right time in our relationship to have sex. I don't want us to forget about all the times we did it but I do want to kind of... start fresh I guess." He smiles. "Like normal couples, where we have our first time, and it actually means something." Kurt blushes.

Blaine nods and kisses Kurt softly. "I'd love that, Kurt." He smiles.

Kurt cuddles into Blaine's chest. "So try not to think about all the things we did in this bed. I wouldn't want you to get all worked up and horny. Goodnight." He smirks and falls asleep, leaving Blaine horny but Blaine repressed it, because he was too happy that Kurt was finally his boyfriend.

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