Our Kids

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//a cute little one shot about Klaine and their kids. Enjoy! Oh and by the way, they have three kids: Chris who is 12, Tracy who is 7, and Ben who is 4.//

Kurt finally gets out of his car after a long day at work. It was almost midnight when he finally got up to his bedroom and he climbed into bed.

Blaine turns over, cuddling into his husband. "You're finally home." He mumbles happily.

Kurt yawns, smiling softly. "Yeah, I am. Go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning." He whispers, kissing Blaine's forehead.

Blaine nods, holding his husband in his arms as they both fell asleep.


Kurt groaned as Isabelle put another stack of sketches in front of him.

"Isabelle, it's not that I don't love this job or anything, but I'm fucking exhausted." Kurt sighs. "Okay, go home. I'll finish up." Isabelle smiles softly.

Kurt thanks her and goes home quickly, hopefully being there before they kids go to bed for the first time in months.


Kurt ran up to their apartment as soon as he parked, opening the door.

Kurt looked around the house and realized that the kids were already asleep and Blaine was in bed.

Kurt fell into bed, absolutely breaking down crying. "Woah woah, babe, what's wrong?" Blaine frowns, rubbing Kurt's back.

Kurt sits up, leaning up against the headboard of their bed, wiping his tears away. "I haven't been here to put the kids to bed in weeks. We haven't had dinner all together in months. I'm tired of missing out on their lives just because of work." He cries.

"So what are you saying, Kurt?" Blaine asks, tilting his head and running a hand through Kurt's hair.

"I think I'm going to quit." Kurt sniffles, leaning into Blaine's chest.

"Yeah. Okay. If that's what you want." Blaine nods, holding Kurt closer. "But uh.... what about money?"

"I think we should move back home. To Lima I mean." Kurt sniffles. "I mean, rent is a thousand times cheaper so it'll be easier to balance work and home life and we don't have to work ourselves to the bone trying to earn enough to pay for our home. Plus our parents are there so the kids will get to grow up with their grandparents with them." Kurt sighs. "I just feel like it's the best option for us."

"That sounds like a great plan." Blaine says, kissing Kurt's cheek.

"Wait really?!" Kurt smiles softly.

"Yeah!" Blaine chuckles, kissing his husband. "Let's do it!"

Kurt picks up his phone, texting Isabelle and telling her that he's quitting.

"Plus, an advantage of living near our parents is that we can just drop the kids off for a sleepover at their grandparents house whenever we wanna..... ya know.... have a date night." Blaine smirks.

Kurt giggles. "You're a dork." He smiles, kissing Blaine softly before getting up to put his pajamas on. "I can't wait to be able to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about getting to work. I can just wake up, make some breakfast for the kids and just spend the whole day with my beautiful family."


Once they were sat down at breakfast the next morning, Kurt smiles at his kids. "Okay guys, I have some big news."

"What is it, daddy?" Tracy asks before shoving her mouth full of pancakes.

Kurt giggles softly. "We are moving to where grandma and grandpa live!"

Ben squealed excitedly, clapping. Kurt was pretty sure Ben didn't really know what was going on but Kurt enjoyed his enthusiasm.


Two months later

"okay, dad, Ben goes down for the night at seven thirty, Tracy's bedtime is eight thirty, don't let her trick you into staying up later. And Chris can go to sleep whenever he wants." Kurt informs Burt.

"Thank you Kurt, you two have fun." Burt chuckles. "I think they'll be okay."

Blaine and Kurt left for their date night, enjoying the silence they had rarely ever gotten.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Kurt frowns, getting into the car.

"Yes, Kurt." Blaine chuckles. "Plus, if there's anything wrong, your dad will call us."

"Yeah. You're probably right. But what if-" Kurt starts But was Kurt off by a moan because Blaine started kissing his neck.

"Listen, they're fine. Just forget about them for a night, okay?" Blaine smiles. "I'm sure I will keep you plenty busy. You won't even have time to think about them." He smirks.

Kurt giggles. "Okay fine." He teases, kissing Blaine's lips deeply, squeezing Blaine's thigh. "Now drive." Kurt smirks.

And boy did Blaine drive.

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