Winter Wonderland

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"Baby, hurry up! I'm readyyyy!" Blaine whines because Kurt was taking forever to get ready.

Kurt walks out of the bedroom and laughs "I'm sorry, but do you know how hard it is to figure out an outfit that is both stylish and warm??" He says dramatically.

Blaine giggles "you're a dork. But you're a handsome dork so it's fine." He winks and grabs Kurt's hand, kissing him softly on the lips and then walking out the front door down to the street.

They held hands and walked to the ice skating rink down the street from their apartment. It was very nerve wracking for both of them to openly hold hands in public, you'd think New York would be such an accepting place, and for the most part it was, but there are still some really awful people in this city. But no matter how scared Kurt was, he was always less scared when he had Blaine by his side.

Blaine excitedly dragged Kurt into the little covered area where they rent the skates. Blaine paid the lady at the desk and then gave Kurt his skates and Blaine sat down to put his on.

Once they had their skates on, they went out onto the ice. Kurt had been skating since he was little so he had it down but Blaine was a little rough.

Kurt held Blaine's hands and dragged him out to the middle of the rink when suddenly, Blaine lost his balance and fell on top of Kurt.

Kurt blushes and giggles, going to get up when Blaine tried to kiss him. Kurt pulled away a bit "not here." He whispers softly, his voice a little shaky. Kurt always loved kissing Blaine but he wasn't sure about it right now, with a bunch of people there.

Blaine nods and pulls away, standing up and pulling Kurt up with him, dusting the ice off of his jacket.

After a while, Blaine finally got the hang of it and they were skating around each other, smiling and giggling as they would try to do tricks but most of the tricks had failed.

A little while later, the ice rink was about to close so they returned their skates and walked to Times Square to see the big tree all shiny and lit up.

Once they got there, Blaine wrapped a gentle arm around Kurt's waist and turned to him. Kurt blushes and leans in, kissing Blaine softly. It wasn't much but it meant a lot to both of them, considering how scared they normally are to do this kind of thing in public, and to their surprise, no one really cared. A couple people just kind of stared at them but they weren't being rude or anything so it was overall pretty okay.

After about half an hour of just looking at all the lights around Times Square, they started the journey home.

They had walked a few blocks before they realized that a guy had been following them since they left Times Square. They got a few more blocks with the guy following them, Blaine wrapping his arm tightly around Kurt's waist, when a nice police officer saw them with a bit of panic in their eyes and he understood what was happening so he started talking to the boys like he had known them forever.

"Hey guys! I haven't seen you in forever! How is NYU treating you?" The officer smiles at the boys.

Blaine was too distracted staring that guy down, ready to fight him, so Kurt continued on the conversation with the officer. "Pretty good! We miss you though! We wish you would have come with us." He smiles. "We had so much fun hanging out in high school, college would have been even more fun."

The officer saw the man looking over at them "is everything okay, sir?" He asks the man.

The man just kind of shook his head, running across the street into a store to escape the cop.

Blaine turns back to the cop "thank you so much, that dude was really freaking us out." He says, squeezing Kurt's waist.

The cop smiles "no problem, I get it. My husband and I get that kind of crap all the time. But then I can just 'accidentally' lift up my shirt a bit to show them that I've got a gun in the back of my pants and that seems to scare them away pretty quickly." He chuckles.

Kurt smiles "well, thank you, officer...." he hesitates

"Francis-Keller" the officer chuckles.

Blaine smiles "that's quite a last name there." He laughs a little.

The officer smiles "yeah, neither my husband nor I have nice sounding last names but you do what you've gotta do." He shrugs.

"Well, we're Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel." Kurt smiles proudly, shaking the officers hand.

The cop nods, shaking Kurt's hands and smiling back at him "Well you two are quite a cute couple, do you have any kids?" He asks.

Blaine nods and giggles "Tracy, who is seven and Audrey who is four. They're at our friends house tonight, we're having our one date night of the month." He smiles.

"How about you?" Kurt asks nicely.

"I do. Carly who is nine and David who is five. Maybe we can get together some time and they can hang out and you can meet my husband, although he's a fashion designer at Vogue, he's pretty busy." He chuckles.

Kurt smiles "no way! I am too!" He giggles "what's his name?" He asks.

"Jeffrey Keller. He works on more men's clothes than women's clothes but he does some women's clothes as well, I believe he said he's working on a line of multichrome suit jackets with someone right now, but I may be wrong." The officer smiles.

Kurt gasps "he's working with me, actually!" He smiles excitedly. "Well we definitely have to hang out sometime."

The officer chuckles "okay, I'll let you and Jeff plan that." He smiles. "You two have a great night." He waves them goodbye.

Kurt and Blaine walk off down the street, back to their apartment in peace, giggling about the crazy moment they just had.

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