Painting Class

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Kurt had been dragged to a painting class by Rachel, her crush worked at the painting place so she forced Kurt to come with her to a class so she wouldn't be alone and Kurt was cool with it because he loved painting and was quite good at it.

When he sat down on a stool in front of an open canvas, he was greeted by a very attractive man who was seated next to him. "Hello." Blaine smiles at Kurt, who he thought was very cute.

"Hey." Kurt smiles sweetly, quite nervous because he was being talked to by a cute guy.

They didn't really talk much after that because the tutorial started. The lady at the front gave them instructions for painting the starry night sky that was the painting for that lesson.

Blaine sat back after a few minutes, groaning. "This is way harder than I thought it was going to be." He says, holding his brush while staring at his canvas that he had painted fully blue but it was like a bright blue and it was supposed to be dark.

Kurt giggles "well, I think you were supposed to mix the color to be darker. But, I think now you shouldn't fix it, you should just make a sky during the day." He smiles.

Blaine smiles at Kurt's canvas. "That's gorgeous. How are you so good at this?"

"I started out last year as an art major but I switched halfway through the year because I realized how much I hate painting when I'm told exactly what to paint. These kind of classes encourage creativity and adding your own spin on things." He smiles at Blaine.

Blaine looks back at his canvas, kind of happy with the light color choice now because he figured he could add his own spin to it to impress Kurt.

Kurt went back to his painting and then a minute or two later, he turned back to see what Blaine had painted and giggled softly because Blaine had a streak of paint down his nose and he was looking very intently at what he was painting.

Blaine turns to Kurt when he heard him giggling. "I know, I know, my painting sucks! Don't make fun of it!" He giggles.

"No, it's not that, you just have paint on your nose somehow." Kurt couldn't stop giggling until his eyes locked with Blaine's. They were stunning.

The boys were silent for a second, just staring into each other's eyes until Kurt broke the silence. "You may want to wipe off your nose before it's stained blue forever." He giggles.

Blaine tried but it wasn't coming off. Kurt went to wet a paper towel and came back, gently wiping the paint off of Blaine's nose and smiling at him.

Rachel got up once she realized what was happening with her best friend. "Kurt, can you please come help me find the right colors to mix to get some purple?"

Kurt looks up at her, not wanting to leave this situation. "Red and blue."

Rachel grabs Kurt's hand "just, come here!" She groans, pulling Kurt away.

Blaine resumed his painting and tried to nonchalantly listen in on their conversation.

Kurt groans "what the hell was that for?!" He whispers harshly as he mixed up the purple for Rachel.

Rachel ignored his harsh tone and smiled. "Who is that?" She smirks.

"I don't know his name. But he's quite cute, no?" Kurt giggles softly, still trying to keep quiet.

"Very cute, is he gay?" She asks.

"Dunno. He seems gay but I'm not gonna assume anything." He shrugs. "So if you don't mind, I'm gonna go continue flirting, go flirt with your man instead of meddling in on my business." Kurt says, pointing to the guy across the room which was the one she liked.

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