Found Him

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//Everyone had thought the bullying had stopped for Kurt once Karofsky moved away, but one day proves them all to be wrong. This is set around the time of the end of season 2.//

"Are you excited to come see our performance tonight?" Kurt smiles into the phone as he walked down the hallway to his locker.

"Of course! I can't wait to see my shining star up on stage singing his little heart out on his solo." Blaine beams excitedly.

Kurt giggles, putting his stuff in his locker, going out and getting in his car to go home and get ready. "Okay well I'll see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I can't wait!" Blaine says happily, hanging up.


"Okay, everyone get in places backstage, we're on in one minute." Artie calls.

Finn looked around. "Where's Kurt?" he asks, confused as to why he couldn't find his brother.

"Relax, he's probably on the other side of the stage with everyone else." Rachel says, rubbing his arm.

Their music started playing and everyone ran on stage for their first song.

Blaine was sitting out in the audience, scanning the stage for his lover. He couldn't find Kurt anywhere on stage and he was beginning to worry. He got up and walked out of the auditorium, searching through the halls for his boyfriend.

"Kurt?" He calls, running through the halls. "Kurt?!" He yells, checking all the bathrooms and once he got to the last bathroom, by the choir room, he walked in slowly to see Kurt laying on the floor, completely unconscious, blood running from his nose onto the floor.

"Oh my god!" Blaine cried, sinking to the floor, gently lifting Kurt's head into his lap. "Baby? Kurt? Can you hear me? I'm here, love. It's going to be okay." He says, although his worried tone said otherwise.

He pulled out his phone, calling everyone he could.

After a few minutes, Finn answered the phone. "What's up? Where's Kurt?!" He asks frantically. They had to stop their show because Kurt wasn't there for his solo. So Finn had answered as soon as they got off stage.

"The bathroom by the choir room. I don't know what happened. Kurt was on the floor passed out and I think his nose is broken. I don't know if he was beaten up or if he fell but he's unconscious. Please hurry, I don't know what to do." Blaine sobbed into the phone.

In mere seconds, Finn came running into the bathroom. "Oh my god, okay, uh... at practice when someone passes out, we throw cold water on them to shock them awake. Could we try that?" Finn asks, panicking.

"I think we should try whatever we can at this point." Blaine pleads.

Finn nods, turning on the sink and cupping his large hands under the faucet, collecting some cold water. He quickly walked over to Kurt, placing his hands right above the pale boys face and dropping the water on him.

Kurt's eyes shot open as he gasped and choked for air. Blaine rubbed his back. "Don't sit up baby." Blaine suggests. "Hey, it's okay." He whispers, holding Kurt close to his chest. "You're gonna need to tilt your head back, your nose is bleeding."

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