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//requested by @marvellover10. This is following Kurt and Blaine after the proposal. This is such a cute idea and I'm excited so I hope you guys like it!//

The last of the people left Dalton after they cleaned up all the petals and confetti, leaving Kurt and Blaine there.

Blaine giggles, walking Kurt over to the commons where they sang baby it's cold outside and had their first kiss.

They sat down at the table and held hands and Kurt smiled at his ring. "Blaine, this is so beautiful. I can't believe you did all this for me." He grins.

Blaine giggles. "Well, I had to find an extravagantly beautiful way to propose to the most extravagantly beautiful man I've ever met. Plus this place has so much history for us. It just felt perfect." He smiles, pulling Kurt into his lap.

Kurt smiles, kissing Blaine softly. "It was perfect. You're perfect." He whispers, grinning as he kissed Blaine again.

Blaine blushes, kissing all over Kurt's face as he giggles. "Wait! I have a whole dinner planned." He smiles.

"You have more planned?!" Kurt chuckles.

"Of course I do!" Blaine smiles, standing up and walking Kurt out to his car, driving him to his house.

Kurt spent the whole car ride playing with Blaine's hand and looking at Blaine with heart eyes.

They went into Blaine's house where Cooper had set up a huge dinner for them.

Cooper smiles and hugs them when they walk into the house. "Congrats you two. Have fun tonight." He laughs and winks and then leaves so they can have their night alone.

"Where are your parents?" Kurt questions.

"They're on a business trip. So we have the house to ourselves all weekend." Blaine smiles, kissing Kurt softly. "Now, we have a beautifully romantic dinner in the dining room and then a movie marathon set up in the living room." He explains, proud of himself.

Kurt beams at his fiancé. "You are a dream." He says wistfully, kissing him lovingly.

Blaine blushes as they sit down at the table and eat their dinner.


"So how's New York?" Blaine asks, cuddling up with Kurt on the couch.

Kurt snuggles closer to Blaine, smiling at him. "It's fun but I can't wait for you to be there with me. I keep finding myself walking down the street, daydreaming about us living there together soon." Kurt blushes.

Blaine kisses Kurt's warm, blushy cheek. "I can't wait to move. Going to school without you this year has been absolute hell. But pretty soon we will be living together in New York, planning the wedding of your dreams." He beams.

Kurt smiles. "Well it'll be the wedding of your dreams too, silly." He giggles.

"I know but I've never really thought of what my wedding would look like. I knew I would marry you and that's all I care about." Blaine smiles. "And I know you've been planning your wedding since you were born." He chuckles.

Kurt blushes and lays his head on Blaine's lap, smiling up at him. "I'm thinking something more delicate looking. A simple venue, white, pale pinks and yellows. Lace. Very princess-y." He gushes excitedly.

"It sounds absolutely gorgeous." Blaine smiles, tearing up.

Kurt looked at him, confused. "Why are you crying, baby?" He questions, gently rubbing his thumb over Blaine's cheek.

"I just can't believe we're actually engaged. It's all becoming real. We're getting married!" Blaine cries happily.

Kurt smiles. "Aww baby!" He giggles, hugging Blaine tightly, straddling his lap. "You're going to be mine forever. I hope you like me cause you're stuck with me for the rest of your life." Kurt teases, kissing him sweetly as they both giggle.

"Do you see us having a family one day?" Blaine smiles, gently cupping Kurt's cheeks, giggling adorably.

"Of course! Maybe once we have our own apartment in New York and are through with college and have stable jobs." Kurt smiles. "But of course! I've always dreamt of having a family with you."

Blaine beams brightly. "We are going to have the cutest family in the world. No matter if their biologically mine or yours or neither of ours. They will be perfect."

"I've never really thought that much into how we're going to have our little family. I always just assumed adoption would be what we would do. And it would be amazing to give some kids a home but also the kids being actually yours or mine would be such a magical experience" Kurt sighs. "Let's just have a thousand kids and do every option there is." He giggles. "That seems like a pretty reasonable compromise." He teases.

"Oh god." Blaine laughs. "Can you imagine how chaotic that would be? Just a thousand children running around a  New York apartment." He says and then shrugs. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, love." He smiles. "Maybe we'll do both. One that's yours and then a couple that are adopted." He smiles. "Or one that's yours, one that's mine and then one that's adopted." He shrugs.

Kurt smiles, kissing Blaine softly. "I love this. Just talking about our future. It makes me so happy."

Blaine giggles, kissing him back. "I am so in love with you." He whispers, kissing him deeper.

"Today has been amazing, Blaine. I love you so much." Kurt whispers back, kissing him passionately, smiling as he gets up and gestures for Blaine to follow him into the bedroom, to which Blaine immediately obliged.

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