Late Night Call

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//Kurt finds some bruises on Blaine and Blaine has no choice but to tell him what they're from.//

Blaine and Kurt were laying on Kurt's bed, Kurt lazily kissing Blaine's soft skin.

Blaine runs his hand through Kurt's hair, closing his eyes.

Kurt smiles, kissing down Blaine's slightly lit chest. The rest of the room was dark except for the glowing light from the lamp on the bedside table.

Blaine was in a state of pure bliss until Kurt sat up. "Baby, why do you have makeup on?" Kurt asks, confused as to why his lips suddenly had a powder on them when he kissed a part of Blaine's stomach.

"Oh it's just uh.." Blaine says, stuttering.

Kurt raises an eyebrow, reaching up and turning on the light from the fan, sitting back down on the bed. Blaine had covered up his stomach and chest with a blanket at this point.

Kurt raises an eyebrow. "Blaine, what's going on? Were you trying to do those contoured abs? Because I've said it before and I'll say it again, your body is perfect, you don't need abs to be sexy." Kurt preached.

"Yeah, it's that." Blaine says, chuckling awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Kurt giggles, taking the blanket off of Blaine's chest. He was confused when he didn't any any trace of contour. "Blaine, are you lying to me?" he asks, point-blank.

Blaine looked down, sniffling a bit.

Kurt reached his hand up, rubbing his thumb over where the foundation and power obviously were. He rubbed it a little bit to reveal a dark bruise under it.

"Baby..." Kurt whispers softly. He then rubs off a little bit of the foundation in four other spots just on his stomach and chest, revealing bruises of various healing stages. "Blaine, what happened?"

"It's complicated." Blaine whispers.

"I don't care if it takes all damn day, I want to know what happened." Kurt says sternly, worried about his boyfriend.

Blaine felt tears welling up in his eyes, feeling the all too familiar sensation of sobs sticking in his throat, trying not to cry.

Kurt saw how emotional Blaine was getting and immediately regretted what he said. "Hey, shh.... it's okay." he whispers, holding Blaine against his chest.

The younger boy couldn't hold his tears back any longer as they started to rapidly stream down his cheeks.

Kurt rubbed Blaine's back as the boy cried in his arms. "I'm sorry I lied." Blaine choked out, sniffling.

"It's okay love, but what caused this? I want to know what's hurting my baby. Because I know if they were all accidents, you wouldn't work so hard to cover them up." Kurt says softly, cupping Blaine's cheeks in his hands so he could wipe Blaine's tears away.

"It-It's my dad..." Blaine says, almost inaudibly.

Kurt's heart shattered. He knew Blaine's dad didn't like the fact that he was gay but he didn't think he would have taken it this far. "Baby..." Kurt whispers.

"He hasn't done it in a while though. He's been better lately." Blaine defends.

"But he still hurt you, Blaine." Kurt says softly, squeezing Blaine's hands.

Blaine nods. "It started when he used to drink a lot but then it turned into something he did when he was sober too. He would come home from work and be mad about something and he would take it out on me." he cries softly. "I didn't want to tell you because the last thing I want to do is worry you."

Klaine One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora