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//I know I said that I would make a part two to Here To Help, but I thought of this idea and I thought it was cute.//

"Santana, I really don't want to be here." Kurt sighs and Santana dragged him up to Puck's house where there was supposedly the biggest party of the year going on.

"I know, but I need you. You're my gay wingman and I'm your gay wing woman. We're getting each other laid tonight whether you like it our not." Santana smirks.

"San! No! I'm not hooking up with some random stranger tonight!" Kurt protests.

"Oh come on, live a little." She says, dragging him inside and over to where they seemed to get ready to start a game.

A few minutes later, Kurt had already downed a drink, knowing this would be a long night, and they started the game.

They all sat in a circle to play spin the bottle. And Kurt was very distracted by en extremely hot guy in tight pants and a blazer from Dalton Academy. His tie was undone and his undershirt was unbuttoned, showing his ripped chest.

It didn't help Santana that Blaine was sitting next to a girl who was a cheerio at McKinley with them who she had heard rumors of her being bisexual but was going to test that out tonight.

The bottle spun and landed on Blaine and Santana who both groaned but then kissed each other and he looked like he was a good kisser which made Kurt even more excited.

Santana pulled away and winked at Kurt "oh yeah, he's good." She mouthes to Kurt.

Kurt blushes and there were a few more rounds of spin the bottle and then it finally landed on Santana and Brittany. They kissed and Kurt felt the sparks from where he was seated. It looked quite magical.

Kurt then spun the bottle and it landed on Blaine. Kurt didn't skip a beat before his alcohol driven self flew on top of Blaine and kissed him deeply.

Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek, smiling into the kiss, also being quite drunk. They kissed for what seemed like a year before Kurt was being pulled off by Santana because apparently they started grinding on each other and nobody wanted to see that.

Kurt went back to his spot and both boys were blushing and panting rapidly as the game concluded.

They then moved on to doing their own things, most people ending up either in the kitchen or in Puck's pool.

But Blaine and Kurt stayed behind, chilling in the game room of the house, sitting on the couch in there and drinking their beers.

Blaine smiles "so how do you know Puck? Do you go to McKinley?"

Kurt nods and smiles "I do, we're in glee club together. And I see you're wearing a Dalton blazer, so how do you know him?"

Blaine smiles "we played football together a while back, that was, until I got kicked off our little league team for being gay." He shrugs.

"Well that sucks, but you know what doesn't suck?" Kurt giggles wildly.

"What?" Blaine teases.

"Me. Well, I do suck, but not in a bad way." He smirks, leaning in and kissing Blaine deeply.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt's waist, kissing him deeper, moaning softly into the kiss as Kurt gently grinds down on him.

The annoying football guys saw then and started whistling and howling at them.

Kurt got up off of Blaine "seriously?! There's like ten guys in the other room basically fucking their girlfriends, go pick on them and leave us be!" He shouted.

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