Actor (part 2)

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//so this is (as you can tell by the title) part two to the last chapter. Enjoy!//

Blaine got off the phone with Cooper, sitting in bed with Kurt. It was the fifth day Blaine was in LA and he would be leaving tomorrow. They had hung out every day since he got there and things were speeding up quite quickly.

Kurt chuckles. "What'd he say?"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Except for sex, don't have sex." Blaine smirks.

"Well you know what we have to do now." Kurt smirks, kissing Blaine softly.

"Well of course." Blaine giggles, leaning over and kissing Kurt again.

Kurt raises an eyebrow and blushes. "Wait... really?"

Blaine nods, smiling. "Oh hell yes!" He smirks. "I mean... I'm ready if you are." He blushes.

Kurt nods and smiles. "Yeah, I'm ready." He giggles, kissing Blaine deeply.


Blaine got back to Cooper's house the next morning only to be confronted by his big brother, sitting on the couch looking angrily at him.

Blaine pouts. "I'm sorry I spent the night at Kurt's but it was late and I didn't want to have to drive home when I was half-asleep."

Cooper sighs. "You had sex with him, didn't you?"

"What? No! We just cuddled so hard that I'm probably rendered sore for the next few days..." Blaine states, not being able to hide the little smirk on his face.

Cooper crosses his arms. "It's way too early for that, Blaine. Have either of you even gotten tested since the last partner you had?"

Blaine sighs. "Coop, we used protection, it's alright. I really really like him and I see this being something potentially permanent." He says, looking down at the floor.

Cooper rolls his eyes. "Do you even know how ridiculous you sound right now? You've known him for five days!"

"Just because you're bitter and lonely doesn't mean you have to bring down my happiness! You just can't cope with the fact that I've finally beat you at something! News flash Cooper, you're not perfect!" Blaine yells, storming off to his room.


After about an hour, Cooper came and knocked on Blaine's door softly. "Can I come in, please?" He asks.

Blaine sighs. "Yeah, come in." He says, sitting down on his bed.

Cooper came in and sat next to Blaine. "I'm really sorry, Blaine. I didn't mean to come off as angry or jealous. I'm really truly happy for you. You've found a great guy and you seem really happy. I just want to make sure you're safe. And I know that's it's not really my job but I worry about you." Cooper says, sentimentally. "Ever since you and dad kinda broke apart, I've been trying to act as a father figure for you and I see how that could get annoying. I just want what's best for you. Because I love you and I don't want to see you get hurt." He says.

Blaine hugs Cooper tightly. "Thank you. I love you too." He whispers softly, pulling away. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I just felt like you were trying to take away my happiness and I got all defensive. But I didn't mean anything I said."

"I know you didn't." Cooper smiles softly, roughing up Blaine's hair.

Blaine giggles and pulls away from Cooper's reach.

Cooper chuckles. "So you really like him, huh?" He smiles.

Blaine nods, blushing. "I do. I'm a little scared as to what's gonna happen when I go back to New York though... most people don't really work well with long distance relationships. I mean hell, I'll be across the country." He says softly.

Cooper rubs Blaine's back. "You two will be alright. Plus, that will give you more reason to come visit more often." He smiles.

Blaine chuckles softly. "That's true." He smiles.


About seven months later, Blaine knocked on the door to Cooper's house.

Cooper opened the door and Blaine smiled. "Surprise!" He says, giggling at the shocked look on Cooper's face.

Cooper hugs him tightly and then let's him go, smiling. "What are you doing here?!"

Blaine smiles. "Well....." He says, smirking.

"Well what?!" Cooper asks, confused. "And why is there a U-Haul outside?"

"Are you really that dumb?!" Blaine chuckles. "I'm moving here!"

Cooper practically screamed. "Yay!!!" He smiles. "Wait... in here?"

"Well no, I mean for a few days, yes. But I'm planning on looking at apartments near here and moving out as soon as possible so you can have your house back." Blaine smiles.

Cooper hugs Blaine again. "Yes baby bro you can stay here as long as you want!" He smiles.

"Why do you seem like... happier than usual?" Blaine asks.

"Baby come lay back down." Says a woman that Blaine couldn't see.

Blaine raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Does Coop have a lady friend over?" He teases.

"Uh... Yeah." Cooper blushes.

The girl comes over and wraps her arms around Cooper's waist, smiling at Blaine in the doorway and Blaine noticed that she was wearing one of Cooper's shirts.

Blaine smiles at the girl, waving softly.

The girl was pretty. She was tall and had long wavy dark brown hair, green eyes and freckles.

Cooper smiles. "Becca, this is my brother, Blaine."

Blaine holds out his hand to shake the girls hand. "It's nice to meet you." He smiles.

She smiles back. "It's nice to meet you too."

Blaine turns back to Cooper. "I'm gonna go surprise Kurt at work but I'll see you later." He smiles, waving goodbye and then hopping in his car.


Blaine walked onto Kurt's set, hiding behind a few people to get to where Kurt was.

Kurt saw Blaine and then turned back to his scene partner, doing a double take and looking back up at Blaine, not expecting to see him. "Blaine?!" He asks excitedly.

Blaine nods, grinning from ear to ear.

Kurt runs over and pulls Blaine into a tight hug, kissing him passionately before pulling away. "What are you doing here?!" He giggles happily.

Blaine keeps his arms wrapped around Kurt's waist, smiling and giggling at Kurt's happiness. "I'm moving here. I'm here for good now." He announces.

Kurt gasps loudly. "No way!" He giggles.

"Yes way. No more leaving." Blaine smiles, kissing Kurt softly. "No more sad goodbyes or FaceTime calls from across the country."

Kurt cries happy tears, hugging Blaine tightly. "Well where are you going to live?" He smiles.

Blaine wipes away Kurt's tears with his thumb. "Well I'm going to live with Cooper for a little bit until I can find an apartment." He smiles.

Kurt giggles, cupping Blaine's cheek. "Or you could just move in with me...." He blushes.

Blaine smiles. "Really?" He asks softly.

Kurt nods, kissing Blaine's face sweetly. "Of course! I would love for you to move in with me." He smiles.

Blaine giggles cause Kurt's kisses tickled. "Well I would love to move in with you." He smiles brightly.

Kurt pulls Blaine into a deep kiss and dips him. "I love you so much." He whispers onto Blaine's lips.

Blaine blushes brightly. "I love you too." He smiles into the kiss.

//let me know if you want a part three to this or if you have any other ideas.👍🏼//

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