You're Here!

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//okie dokie, so in this one shot, Burt is an Army Veteran. He inspired Kurt to want to go into the Army. Blaine and Kurt are married and they have a four year old daughter. Kurt's been in the Army for three years. He came to visit back home after his first year but then he got deployed again and he hasn't been back home in two years. The anniversary of Kurt leaving is coming up and Kurt and Blaine used to Skype all the time but Kurt hasn't answered any of Blaine's calls for the past six months. Enjoy!//

"Santana, I'm starting to think he may never come home." Blaine sighed into the phone. His and Kurt's daughter, Katy, was spending the night at Rachel's house and Blaine normally spends his nights alone, crying and/or on the phone with Santana, his best friend.

"Blaine, if something bad had happened to him, they would have called you by now. You're his emergency contact. If anything were to happen, they call you." Santana says, reassuring Blaine.

Blaine sighs "I miss him so much, San. I just hope he comes home soon." He cries softly. "I haven't even heard his voice in six months. I keep playing old voicemails he's left me just so I can hear his voice. Is that pathetic?" He asks.

Santana frowns "it's not pathetic Blainers, it's sweet. And he'll be home before you know it. I'm sure of it." She says in attempt to cheer him up.

"Oh hold on, I'm getting another call. I'll call you back in a second." Blaine says and hangs up on Santana, accepting the other call.

"Is this Blaine Anderson-Hummel?" The lady on the other end of the line asked.

"This is Blaine, yes." He says wearily.

"Hi, I'm from the Army Medical Department. It seems as though your husband, Kurt Hummel-Anderson has been in an accident." She says slowly.

"Oh my god. I-is he okay?" Blaine asks softly, his heart practically beating out of his chest.

"We're not sure. His base got bombed. Almost every person there got hurt. You can fly down here if you wish to come see him and we may be able to update you on your husbands condition but as of right now, we have no information." She says.

Blaine broke down sobbing "I-I'll be there soon." He said.

He drove to the airport, bought a ticket and got on the quickest flight he could. It took three hours to get to Florida where Kurt's base is. He got to the hospital and ran inside.

He went to the front desk where a slightly chubby lady was sitting "ma'am I need to see my husband, Kurt Hummel." He says, shaking because he was so scared.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go in his room right now. It's his resting time." She says sweetly.

"Listen lady! My husband needs me. He could be dying for all I fucking know because no one will tell me what state he's in. I need to see him." Blaine said angrily. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing Kurt.

"Okay sir, he's in the third room on the left." She says softly.

Blaine nods "thank you." He says and runs to Kurt's room. He takes a deep breath and slowly opens the door.

He walks in and his breath caught in his throat. There was his beautiful husband, asleep on a hospital bed, cuts and bruises and dirt and grime all over his body.

There was a man sitting in a chair next to Kurt's bed. The man introduced himself "hi, I'm Sam, Kurt's friend." He said. "I'm so sorry about what happened." He said and hugged Blaine. Blaine sobbed into this strange mans shoulder, not able to contain his crying any longer.

"I can leave, if you want to be alone with him." Sam says. "No, no, please stay until he wakes up. I want him to see that you're here with him." Blaine smiles softly.

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