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//Another amazing idea from @malecacid, hope you enjoy!//

"Blaine I don't see what the problem is!" Kurt says. "He's just trying to be my friend."

"He's trying to get into your pants, Kurt. Sebastian is a sneaky little weasel and he gets what he wants and right now he wants you." Blaine pouts, sitting on the bed.

"He does not want me. Plus, he can't have me anyways because I'm already taken. But I don't see why you're getting so upset. He's just asked me to go get dinner and see a movie with him." Kurt says. "It's an innocent friendly get together. And if he tries to pull anything, I'm leaving immediately. You are my boyfriend and I don't intend on that changing anytime soon." Kurt says, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine, but you're not wearing your skinny jeans. Or anything purple or blue or red. Those are all your sexiest outfits that only I get to be seen with you in. Wear something like bright orange." Blaine smiles.

"Blaine, I'm not looking like a traffic cone to try to repel him. That's ridiculous. I'm wearing what I want to wear." Kurt sighs, picking out his outfit, that despite Blaine's efforts, was black skinny jeans and a blue button up.

Blaine kisses Kurt softly and lovingly. "Just be careful babe. He freaks me out and I feel like he's capable of some weird stuff."

Kurt nods and hugs Blaine, pulling away and grabbing his wallet and phone. "Okay baby. I'll be back soon. I'll text you when I'm at the restaurant and then when I'm at the movie theater if it will make you feel better."

Blaine nods and smiles. "It would. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too Blainey." Kurt smiles, leaving the dorm.


Blaine was sitting around worrying all night until Kurt texted that he was headed back.

Kurt walked through the door and Blaine gave him a really big hug and a sweet and gentle kiss. "How was your date?" He smirks.

Kurt rolls his eyes and takes off his clothes, changing into his pajamas. "Boring as hell. And he just kept talking about how he lived in France and Germany and Switzerland. He's just a preppy annoying rich boy." Kurt sighs, slipping on his pajamas and cuddling up in bed with Blaine.

Blaine kisses the top of Kurt's head. "Well that sounds boring. Did he try to put the moves on you?"

"Well a little... he offered to buy me a drink with his fake ID and he also set his hand on top of mine when I went to grab the bill for dinner. It was really awkward. And his hands are super clammy and kinda gross." Kurt says, lacing his and Blaine's fingers together.

"Ew that's nasty. And I'm gonna punch him for making you uncomfortable." Blaine pouts

"I don't get the whole jealous thing. It just doesn't make sense to me." Kurt shrugs.

"Well when someone is trying to steal your man, you get a little possessive." Blaine defends, cuddling up to Kurt. "You're just too sexy. Everyone wants you. I've gotta fight off people left and right."

"You're a dork." Kurt chuckles, burying his head into Blaine's neck, attempting to fall asleep.


""Blaine he was so obviously flirting with you!"  Kurt rolls his eyes at his boyfriend.

The man at the boutique they were just in was totally flirting with Blaine. He practically had hearts in his eyes as soon as Blaine walked into the store.

Kurt and Blaine walk back out onto the street of shops, Kurt protectively holding onto Blaine's waist because now that he was aware of it, practically everyone was looking at Blaine like he was the hottest man on earth. Which Kurt totally agreed with but that didn't mean he needs to be stared at.

Blaine giggles at Kurt. "Babe, you finally know how jealousy feels."

"What? I'm not jealous. I'm just aware of the people staring at you and it's pissing me off because you're mine and I don't want them looking at you like you're a piece of meat." Kurt pouts.

"Babe, there's a shorter way of saying it. It's called jealousy." Blaine smirks.

"Well I hate it! I'm sorry about all the times I made you feel jealous. This sucks. I want to go home so only I can stare at you." Kurt smiles, walking back to Dalton with him.

"I believe you have found your jealous side mr.Hummel." Blaine giggles.

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