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//After a tragic loss, Kurt and Blaine are now fathers to their godson. This is set in season 4/5 but with a few changes. Rachel still has the pregnancy scare but she is actually pregnant and it's Finn's baby. Finn dies in a car accident so Rachel is now a single mother. This will be quite a sad chapter but the end will be fluffy. Requested by @klaine_2015.//

Trigger warning: Mentions of complications during childbirth, death and depression. So if you are sensitive about those things, I would probably skip this chapter.

"So are you ready for our weekend together?" Kurt smiles gently as he asks Blaine over the phone.

Blaine was waiting at the airport to get on his plane to New York to spend some much needed time with his boyfriend. "Of course I am!" He giggles.

"Well just a fair warning, the baby is due any day now so Rachel is super angry and irritable." Kurt sighs.

"Okay, well I'm excited to meet the little guy." Blaine smiles but he hears Kurt softly crying through the phone. "What's wrong, baby?"

"It's just.... I wish Finn were here to meet his son." Kurt quietly sobs. "I feel for the little guy. I mean, I only had my mom for a few years but at least i had her. He doesn't even get to meet his dad." he cries.

"I know, honey. But you also only had your dad, this kid has Rachel, You, Me, Santana, Brittany, Sam, Mercedes, all of our friends. He's going to be the most loved little boy in the world." Blaine says, trying to cheer Kurt up.

Kurt smiles softly. "Yeah, he is. Especially from us. That kid is going to be treated like our own." he giggles. "He's my little nephew."

"And I guess he's mine too since I'm practically your husband already." Blaine smiles.

Kurt couldn't help but smile brighter at that. "Can you believe that we're going to be husbands soon?"

"I can't!" Blaine giggles. "Oh, I have to go. They're boarding. I love you, text me if you get any updates on Rachel. I'll rush to the apartment as soon as I land."

"I love you too, have a safe flight." Kurt smiles, hanging up.


An hour and a half into Blaine's flight, Kurt texted him in a panic that Rachel had gone into labor.

Of course Blaine couldn't see the text since he was on the plane, so he would just have to see it when he landed in a few minutes but Kurt wanted to tell him anyway.

Kurt quickly drove Rachel to the hospital, hoping and praying they would get there in one piece.


Blaine rushed into the hospital room, sitting next to Rachel and holding her hand. Kurt had called him and told him that it was getting bad.

Rachel was bleeding way more than she was supposed to and she was getting faint and dizzy, throwing up and sobbing because the pain was so bad. She looked up at the boys. "Please, if anything happens, take good care of him." she whispers, sounding pained. "No, Rachel, it's going to be okay. You'll be okay." Kurt says, kissing her hand.

Kurt and Blaine exchanged sympathetic glances as they held Rachel's hand, coaxing her to keep pushing, hoping and praying that the baby would be alright.

Rachel was losing it. Her blood pressure was spiking to massively unhealthy levels and her heart was beating ten times as fast as normal.

They then heard crying and looked down to see the doctor picking up the little boy, checking to make sure he was okay.

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