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//All of Blaine's friends are getting boyfriends, so how is he going to deal with it? This is going to be really short but I thought it sounded really cute.//

"I'm happy for you two." Blaine says, smiling as he turned to walk away, his fake smile immediately falling.

Trent and Andrew just announced they were dating which Blaine would be really happy about if he weren't the only person in the Warblers that was single.

Blaine got up to his room and opened the door, going to set down his bag when he saw Jeff and Nick making out on Jeff's bed.

Blaine quietly left the room and went down to his car, getting in and driving to Cooper's house.

He stormed into the apartment. "Coop I'm single and lonely please help me!" He pleaded.

Cooper walked out of his room with a blanket wrapped around his waist. "Hey I'm kinda in the middle of something here!" he whispers harshly.

"It can wait. I need you to take me to a bar to meet someone." Blaine pouts.

"Why? I thought you were embracing this whole single thing?" Cooper asks.

"Well now all my friends have boyfriends and I'm lonely. Now kick that girl out and get dressed because you're going to get me into a bar." Blaine orders.

"Listen, squirt, I'm not gonna do that." Cooper chuckles.

"Well how else am I supposed to find someone?!" Blaine sighs.

"You go to Dalton, dumbass. That's literally the land of the gays, go find someone!" Cooper shooed him away.

Blaine left and drove back to Dalton.

It was too late to hang out in the commons since everyone was in their dorms for the night so he went back to his dorm, hoping Nick had left.

He walked in and saw that Nick was still there but they were asleep.

Blaine fell into bed, falling asleep as he dreamt of what life would be like if he finally had a boyfriend.


Blaine got finished with Algebra and was smiling brightly, walking down the grand staircase to go perform with the Warblers.

"Excuse me, um... hi. Can I ask you a question? I'm new here." Blaine hears a soft voice come from behind him. He turns around to see a beautiful boy smiling nervously at him.

"My name's Blaine." The shorter boy smiles, holding out his hand.

Kurt shakes Blaine's hands. "Kurt." He smiles, taking a deep breath as he looked around at everyone rushing past him. "So what exactly is going on?"

"The Warblers! Every now and then they throw an impromptu performance in the senior commons. It tends to shut the school down for a while." Blaine smirks.

"So wait the glee club here is kinda cool?" Kurt asks, confused.

"The Warblers are like rock stars!" Blaine beams excitedly.

Kurt raises his eyebrows in surprise at Blaine's excitement.

"Come on, I know a shortcut." Blaine smiles, reaching out and grabbing Kurt's hand and going to run off with him to make it to the senior commons in time for the performance.

And we all know what happens next.

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