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//Kurt works in a flower shop and Blaine goes there to find a bouquet big enough to fix his mistakes but soon will realize that may not be what he needs to do.//

Kurt was clipping the ends off of a few bunches of daisies when a frantic sounding customer walks in. Since they had just opened, Kurt was the only one working so he walked up to the front of the store to greet the customer. "Hello how may I help you today?" Kurt smiles and then looks up to see quite possibly the most handsome man he'd ever seen.

"Hi um what do you suggest I get for my boyfriend to make up for a major mess up?" Blaine asks, sounding stressed.

"Well it depends are we talking about cheating level bad or forgetting to do the laundry bad?" Kurt asks.

"More towards the laundry end of the scale I guess." Blaine sighs. "I dropped and shattered his favorite candle and he may very well kill me."

"Well I could make you a bouquet and not tell you that that doesn't really sound like a healthy relationship but I'd prefer to give you good advice. That doesn't sound okay." Kurt says, grabbing some flowers and putting them together, exchanging a few and then going back to positioning them.

Blaine looks down, kicking his feet absentmindedly. "Yeah it's not. I need to break up with him." He sighs.

"What did you say your name was again?" Kurt says sweetly.

"Blaine." He smiles softly at Kurt. "So Blaine, how about instead of making this for your soon to be ex, I will make it for the pretty boy who's currently in my shop?" Kurt winks.

"Well thank you, that's awfully sweet of you..." Blaine pauses, reading Kurt's name tag. "Kurt!" He giggles softly.

Kurt blushes a little bit as he pulls some more flowers together. "Hold on can you look up at me for a second?" He asks.

Blaine looks up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Sure?"

Kurt grabs some other flowers that matched Blaine's eyes and then grabbed a little note card and wrote his number on it and stuck it to the little card holder on the flowers and handed the bouquet to Blaine who was attempting to get his wallet out but Kurt stopped him. "It's on me. Have a good day, I hope everything goes well. Call me." Kurt winks at Blaine who exits the shop, blushing and grinning from ear to ear.


The next morning, Kurt was working as usual when Blaine walked into the shop again.

"Well good morning again." Kurt smiles. "What can I do for you today?" He asks.

Blaine looks around the shop and picks up a blue carnation that matched Kurt's eyes perfectly and walked over to the counter, setting it down along with a five dollar bill to cover it. "I'm just buying a pretty boy a flower." He smiles.

Kurt blushes. "Oh Blaine, that's sweet. Thank you." He giggles, pinning the flower on his shirt.

"Would you be able to take a break any time soon? I would love to maybe go grab some coffee with you?" Blaine smiles at the handsome man behind the counter.

"I can't leave but if you bring some food here we can sit in the back and eat because practically no one comes in here at ten o'clock on a Monday morning." Kurt giggles, handing Blaine a five dollar bill.

Blaine chuckles. "Keep the money, consider this... a date." He blushes. "What do you want me to get you?"

"Surprise me!" Kurt winks.

Blaine blushes, walking up and giving Kurt a quick kiss on the cheek and then leaving to go get breakfast.


About half an hour later, Blaine walked back into the shop with four drinks and a big bag of food.

Kurt helps him carry the stuff into the back as he giggles. "Thirsty are we?" He teases.

"Well I didn't know if you wanted iced coffee or hot coffee or a frappe. So I got all three." Blaine blushes, giggling.

Kurt smiles, sitting down on the floor of the back room with Blaine, picking up the iced coffee. Blaine picked up the other iced coffee for himself and then started pulling food out of the bag. "I didn't know if you wanted sweet or savory food so I got a couple muffins and a cream cheese danish and then a couple different kinds of breakfast sandwiches." Blaine smiles, laying it all out.

"You're so cute." Kurt giggles, picking up a blueberry muffin. Blaine blushes, unwrapping a cronut and eating it happily, since those were his favorite.

Kurt reaches his thumb up and wipes some cinnamon sugar off of Blaine's cheek. Blaine finishes the cronut and Kurt sees sugar all over Blaine's mouth. "Are those good?" He chuckles.

Blaine nods and smiles, going to wipe off the sugar but Kurt shakes his head, giggling as he leans in closer, looking into Blaine's eyes to make sure it was okay that he was this close.

Blaine nods slightly and closes his eyes, leaning the rest of the way in. Kurt gently kisses off all the sugar, blushing brightly as he pulls away.

Blaine giggles softly and then the bell rang, signaling someone had walked in.

Kurt gets up and walks out to the front of the store, helping the customer while Blaine was doing a cute little happy dance in the back room.

Kurt peeks back there and sees him, giggling as he turns back to help the customer.

The lady bought her flowers and left and Kurt went back to the back, wrapping his arms around Blaine. "You're a cute dancer." He smirks.

"Oh my gosh you saw that?!" Blaine blushes brightly. "You weren't supposed to see that."

"Well I'm glad I did. You're adorable." Kurt smiles, laying his head on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine buries his face in Kurt's neck, gently rocking him as the stood in the back room. It was an incredibly intimate moment that surprised both boys considering they had just met yesterday and already had so much chemistry.

"Blaine do you think we're moving too quickly?" Kurt questions, pulling back slightly to look into Blaine's eyes.

"Well, in some people's eyes, yes. But I think life is too short to waste any time. We like each other, what's the point in dancing around it?" Blaine states.

Kurt smiles. "Yeah. I like that." He blushes, laying his head back down on Blaine's shoulder, gently swaying with him to the soft hum of music coming from the front of the store.

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