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//okay so Kurt and Blaine are both teachers at McKinley. I hope you enjoy!//

Kurt and Blaine were absolutely overjoyed when Mr.Schue offered them both teaching positions at his school.

Kurt was teaching both cheer and French, and Blaine was teaching music and sometimes theatre and they couldn't be happier.

They even had a couple kids that went to the school. Kate, who was a junior, and Elizabeth, who was a freshman.

"Okay so be sure to finish the homework and bring it back tomorrow." Kurt says to his French class as the bell rang, dismissing them to go home for the day.

Kurt sighs after everyone left and sat down at his desk to organize his the mess.

Kurt looked up when he heard a knock and he saw his beautiful husband leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey." Blaine smirks, closing the door behind him as he walks in.

Kurt sighs. "Hey babe. Just let me finish grading these papers and then we can go."

Blaine sits on the arm of Kurt's chair, gently kissing Kurt's neck. "Okay. I'll just be right here." He whispers, continuing to kiss Kurt's neck and gently nibble on his ear.

Kurt blushes, moaning quietly but trying to stay focused because he only had a few papers left.

Kurt endured it for a few more minutes but he finally finishes grading the papers and turned, pulling Blaine in for a deep kiss.

Blaine smirks, kissing Kurt passionately before pulling away and sitting on Kurt's desk.

Kurt stands between Blaine's legs, leaning in to kiss Blaine's neck. "You're so hot." Kurt whispers, teasingly biting at Blaine's collarbone.

"Okay, Blaine, we need to cool it before I actually fuck you on this table." Kurt giggles, pulling away.

"Let's go home, then. The girls won't be home for a bit since they have softball practice." Blaine smiles.

"Sounds like a plan." Kurt smirks, kissing Blaine teasingly before pulling away to grab his bag and walking out the door of his room with a very excited Blaine in tow.


"Okay guys and girls, I have a very special thing planned for us this afternoon." Blaine smiles. "it's Mr.Hummel and I's fifteen year wedding anniversary. So I have an idea.."


"Mr.Hummel, Mr.Anderson needs your help in the auditorium. He tried to move a ladder and broke and five things." One of the glee club girls says to Kurt.

Kurt gets up from his desk, practically running to the auditorium.

When he got there, all the lights were turned off. "Hello?" Kurt calls out, confused. "Blaine?"

And then the stage lights turned on and the glee club kids started singing All You Need Is Love.

Kurt stood in the audience, giggling as he saw his husband emerge from the sea of teenagers that were tall enough to hide him.

Blaine sang the song, standing in front of Kurt by the end of it, singing his last note.

Kurt crashed their lips together and then Blaine pulled away, holding Kurt's hands. "Kurt, these past fifteen years have been absolutely magical. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He smiles, hugging Kurt tightly. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you more." Kurt whispers back, tearing up at how wonderful his husband was.

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