I Knew It!

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//requested by @malecacid.//

Kurt walked down the hallway, his thick leather boots hitting the ground in a bitchy yet graceful manor as he went to Blaine's locker.

He slid a note in Blaine's locker slyly, and then quickly walks away, going outside to chill under the bleachers with his friends while they skipped class.


Blaine opened his locker and a tiny piece of paper fluttered to the ground.

He picked it up and smiled as he read it.

It said:

'I only want two things in this world.
And us.'

Blaine read it, grinning from ear to ear. He put it in his pocket, making a mental note to bring it up with Kurt later.


Later on, while Blaine was in his last class, Kurt broke into Blaine's locker, sliding in a box with a slice of cake in it and a note on top of it.

He closed the locker and went on with his day.

When Blaine went to open his locker after school, he saw the cake with the note on top of it that read.

''You're my own little slice of heaven.'

Blaine giggles, opening the box and seeing that it was a piece of chocolate cake with strawberry filling. His favorite.

He went to find Kurt after school but he was nowhere to be found so Blaine just went home.


A few hours later, everyone in the Anderson household was asleep except for Blaine, who was eating his slice of cake and doing his homework when we heard a tap on his window.

Blaine got up, setting his homework to the side.

He opened his curtain and screamed when he saw a person outside his window.

He recognized it as Kurt and he quickly opened his window.

"Are you insane?!" Blaine giggles softly. "This is the second story, get your ass in here before you fall!" He scolds.

Kurt climbs into Blaine's room, smiling at him and leaning in, kissing him quickly but deeply.

Blaine smiles against Kurt's lips. "You better be quiet mr! My parents will kill me if they see you up here." He quietly scolds.

"It's gonna be you doing the screaming, Anderson." Kurt smirks.

Blaine blushes brightly. "Baby I have homework to do!" He giggles softly.

"Oh come on, you have to admit, I'm much more fun to do than homework." Kurt teases, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist.

Blaine blushes, giggling even more. "You are, but also, I'm too full from that yummy cake you gave me."

Kurt raises an eyebrow. "Cake? I didn't give you any cake." He says, trying to convince Kurt that it wasn't him, even though it totally was.

Blaine chuckles. "Mhm. Sure. Who was it then?"

"Must have been a secret admirer or something. I mean, you are pretty sexy. I bet every gay and girl at school wants to bang you." Kurt smirks, kissing Blaine deeply, trying to distract him from the topic.

Blaine pulls away, giggling. "Who else would know how much I love cheesy love notes and chocolate cake with strawberry filling and yellow roses." He smiles, referring to the yellow roses he found on his porch when he got home.

Kurt starts getting all blushy. "Lots of people like those things. It's a lucky guess for whichever guy is pawning after you." He dismisses.

Blaine smirks. "Hmm, that's a real shame because all this was kinda sweet. I would totally let whoever was doing this into my pants. And I'd probably end up kissing them and cuddling them for hours and hours." He teases.

Kurt sighs. "Fine. it was me." He confesses, blushing profusely.

Blaine giggles excitedly, pointing at Kurt's blushy cheeks. "I knew it! You're just a big romantic sap inside that tough exterior." He smirks. "It's kinda hot, ya know.."

"Oh really?" Kurt smirks, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist pulling him closer.

Blaine giggles, blushing. "Yeah, super hot." He smirks, kissing Kurt deeply and passionately.

Let's just say, Cooper was not excited about Blaine's 'guest', considering that their rooms shared a wall.

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