Road Trip

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It was the Friday night after the last day of school before spring break. Everyone had gone home to pack for the road trip of a lifetime. And by everyone, I mean, Blaine, Kurt, Finn, Rachel, Sam, Mercedes, Brittany and Santana.

They all met at Kurt and Finn's house after they finished packing and they piled into Burt's decked out RV and set out on the road to Miami Beach.

The trip was long so they had prepared to drive until about four or five in the morning, hopefully being able to breeze through traffic since it would be so early, and then stopping at a hotel in Georgia.

Finn was driving and Rachel was in the passenger seat with him, while everyone else was in the back.

There was a big bed in the very back of the RV where all the other six were laying. Blaine, then Kurt, then Mercedes, then Sam, then Santana, then Brittany. They were all kinda cuddling but like in a friendly way, not in an orgy kinda way.

They had started out watching a movie but everyone soon broke off into their own little conversations. Santana and Brittany started making out so they were kicked out of the bed before they ended up having sex.

So that left Kurt, Blaine, Sam and Mercedes. Blaine and Sam started talking about the band Wham for some reason and Mercedes and Kurt were gossiping to each other.

Soon, Blaine and Sam had both fallen asleep. Blaine cuddled Kurt closely, resting his head on Kurt's chest as Kurt continued to talk to Mercedes, although he couldn't hear anything they were saying because he was fading in and out of sleep.

Sam was basically fully passed out on the other side of the bed, snoring and all.

They realized that neither of their boyfriends could hear so, naturally, they started talking about them.

Kurt smiles down at Blaine and pushes a loose curl out of his face and then looks back up at Mercedes. "'Cedes, is it crazy that I truly believe that Blaine is the love of my life?" Kurt asks softly, smiling sweetly.

Mercedes smiles back at him "that's not crazy at all, Kurt. And I'm really happy for you." She says, seemingly distracted by something else.

Kurt frowns and tilts his head "what's wrong, 'Cedes?" He asks gently, reaching out and holding her hand.

Mercedes sighs "I just... don't feel like I love Sam." She whispers.

Kurt smiles sadly at her, squeezing her hand lightly "you have forever to find your perfect man. It will just take some time. And it's okay if you're not in love with the first boy you've ever dated, most people don't fall in love with the first person they dated, is as just one of the few exceptions." Kurt smiles.

Mercedes nods, smiling back "I need to learn to stop using you and Blaine as an example for how my love life should be. You're too perfect." She giggles.

"Oh believe me, we're not perfect. The other day, we got into a three hour fight because we wanted to make cookies and he didn't want to make the healthy ones I wanted to make." Kurt laughs. "But, we got over it because we realized how stupid we were being." He smiles.

Soon, Kurt and Mercedes fell asleep, Mercedes cuddling more with Kurt than with Sam.

At about five the next morning, they checked into the hotel in Georgia and went up to all of their rooms.

Before Kurt could enter his and Blaine's room, Sam stopped him.

"Hey, can we maybe talk outside for just a second?" Sam asks, nervously rubbing the back of his own neck.

Kurt nods and walks outside with Sam. "What's up?" Kurt asks nicely.

Sam clears his throat and looks up at Kurt "I heard what you and Mercedes were talking about earlier. I woke up when you guys started talking and I pretended to be asleep. I know it was dumb and now I don't know how to talk to her about it." Sam says worriedly.

Kurt's eyes went wide "okay, you have to tell her they you know. It would make things even worse if you just pretend that you didn't hear her, because if Mercedes hates anything, it's being lied to." Kurt says.

Sam nods "but how should I tell her?" He panics.

Kurt thinks for a second. "Do you feel the same way she does?" He asks gently.

Sam shakes his head "no, I really really like her." He says defensively.

Kurt tilts his head "but the question was, do you think you could love her?" He asks.

Sam lowers his head "I don't think I could. I mean, I love her as a friend but I don't think I could ever love her in that way." He says shamefully.

Kurt frowns at how sad Sam sounded. "Hey, that's kind of a good thing though, right? At least you're not in love with her and she can't reciprocate those feelings, or vice versa." He smiles.

Sam nods and smiles slightly "yeah, that's true. But you still haven't told me how to tell her."

Kurt had to think for a second. "Just go sit her down in your room and say something along the lines of 'I heard what you were talking about earlier and I just want to say that it's okay.' And then explain to her how you feel and if it's too awkward for you guys to sleep in the same bed, we can switch rooms and I'll room with her and you can room with Blaine." Kurt smiles.

Sam nods, smiling as well "sounds good. Thank you, Kurt. I really appreciate you not judging me or getting mad at me for all of this." He says and goes into his room.

Kurt goes back into his and Blaine's room and Blaine is laying on the bed. "Come cuddle with me, baby." Blaine giggles.

Kurt rolls his eyes playfully. "You're such a dork." He smiles and cuddles up to Blaine's side, slightly spooning Blaine, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist.

Blaine giggles "I love being the little spoon! I love being the big spoon too though." He smiles. "I think I just like cuddling in general." He giggles.

Kurt smiles and gently kisses Blaine's cheek and neck and shoulder that he could reach, but not necessarily to be sexual, just to be more intimate and close.

"By the way, if things go horribly wrong next door, Sam is sleeping in here and I'm sleeping in Mercedes' room." Kurt says.

Blaine tilts his head "why????" He pouts, wanting to cuddle with Kurt all night.

Kurt sighs "it's a long story, but they will most likely break up tonight, but it's only if it goes badly that we have to split up for tonight." He says.

Blaine nods and his eye lids slowly flutter shut and he yawns. "Goodnight, baby." Kurt whispers, kissing Blaine's cheek sweetly.

Blaine smiles and mumbles a very sleepy "goodnight." Back at him.

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