Sneaking Out in New York

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//quick note before we start, I saw Telly Leung (Wes the Warbler) in Aladdin and he is AMAZING. Any who, back to the oneshot👍🏼 also this one is kind of split up to show all the different warbler couples. Enjoy//

"Blaine, we're here!" Kurt coos softly, waking his boyfriend who was asleep pretty much the whole flight to New York.

"Wait really?" Blaine smiles, cuddling into Kurt's chest and looking out the window of the airplane, smiling at the dark outline of the city. In front of the sunset.

"Yep!" Nick and Jeff say in unison from the seats in front of them.

The warblers were traveling to New York for nationals and they couldn't be more pumped about it. They were staying in a hotel in Times Square but they were only there for two nights. The next morning they were performing at nationals and then heading back and staying in the hotel till the next morning when they would be leaving to go home.

Kurt and Blaine were sadly not rooming together, they were, like all of the other warbler couples, were split up so there would be no funny business.

But some of the boys were planning a great scheme to have the best night of their lives.


The warblers got to their hotel and spent a few hours unpacking and chilling in their rooms until 7:00 when their director came around to check all the rooms and make sure everyone was there before he went to his room for the night.

Once he retired to his room for the night, the boys started getting ready.

They put on their coats and scarves and hats because it was freezing cold outside and they texted the boys who were in the other room and asked if they were all ready.

Nick, Wes, and Blaine were in one room while
Jeff, David and Kurt were in the other room.

All the other warblers had decided to stay in their rooms because they were all buzzkills and didn't want to get caught, so it would just be those eight that decided to go.

They all met outside the hotel and started walking to their first destination for the night, a hole in the wall pizza place that they had all heard was amazing.

All the couples walked hand in hand, shuffling through the crowds to get to the restaurant.

Kurt held tightly onto Blaine's arm, grinning from ear to ear at all the sights around him. "I can't believe they expected us to just stay in our hotel and watch over this gorgeous city and not want to sneak out and come enjoy the time we have here." Kurt giggles.

Blaine kisses Kurt's forehead. "There's no one else I'd rather sneak out and explore the city with than you, my love." He smiles. "You're adorable when you get all excited about being here."

"Well can you blame me?!" Kurt giggles. "I'm gonna be living here for the rest of my life."

"And I will be right alongside you." Blaine grins.


"Do you think we'll be able to see a show tonight?" Jeff asks his boyfriend, Nick, excitedly.

Nick shrugs "I don't think we have the money to splurge on that, babe. But how about we all go to the different theatres and take pictures outside of them?"

Jeff couldn't help but be a little disappointed, I mean, how do you go to New York and not see a broadway show?? "Yeah, that sounds fun." He smiles half heartedly.


"Wessss!" David giggles excitedly. "Look at all the lights and the people and the broadway signs!" He smiles like a kid in a candy store. "Wouldn't it be cool to go see a show?!" He asks, hoping to hint to Wes that he wanted to go to a show really badly.

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