Summer Romance

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//none of you wanted it but I wanted to write it so here you go😂here's a Call Me By Your Name inspired one shot with Kurt as Oliver and Blaine as Elio. If you don't know, it's set in northern Italy in the 1980's. The boys aren't together yet in the beginning but they'll get there don't worry. Also this is gonna be a bit of a censored version.//

Kurt was visiting the town of Crema, Italy for six weeks while he was interning as a research assistant for Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson's son however, was what Kurt found himself researching. Blaine was an awkward boy who Kurt had learned was amazing at piano and guitar and writing music and he knew everything there was to know.

Blaine was laying in a chair next to the pool with his sunglasses on, soaking up the sun in his bathing suit as Kurt was laying on the edge of the pool reading.

"Blaine." Kurt calls over to him.

Blaine wakes up from his half-asleep daze and pulls his sunglasses down, looking over at Kurt. "Yes?"

"I was thinking about going into town and I-" Kurt says.

"Yeah I can totally show you around if you want." Blaine smiles, all flustered and cocky.

"Okay let's go!" Kurt says, standing up and pulling on his shirt.

"Right now? Okay." Blaine blushes, walks over to their bikes, hopping on and them and rushing to the city.

It was so fascinating to Kurt how Blaine acted. He was so carefree and open. And Blaine had observed that Kurt had a fascinating confidence to him, which was something Blaine had yet to master.

The boys stopped for a breath at the war monument in the center of town.

Kurt looks up at the statue. "I didn't even know there was a war here."

"Yeah, three-hundred thousand people died." Blaine says fondly, admiring the statue.

"Do you know everything?" Kurt teases.

"If only you knew how little I know about the things that matter." Blaine chuckles bitterly.

"What are the things that matter?" Kurt raises an eyebrow, walking around the statue.

"You." Blaine whispers to himself but ignores answering him out loud, hopping back on his bike.

Kurt gets back on his bike as Blaine speeds away. "Hurry up, silly American." Blaine teases in Italian, knowing Kurt would have no clue what he said.

Kurt speeds up after Blaine and they ride through the countryside and Blaine takes him to a field next to his favorite pond where he likes to swim.

They laid in the grass, listening to the sounds of crickets around them.

"I love this, Kurt." Blaine says wistfully, staring up at the clouds.

"What?" Kurt asks, turning to face Blaine.

"Everything." Blaine says softly. Kurt lightly chuckles, turning to look back up at the sky. "Us, you mean?" Kurt asks.

"Eh, it's not that bad." Blaine teases, smiling slightly.

Kurt sits up, leaning to lay on his side after a minute of silence. He raises his hand and lightly traces his finger over Blaine's lips, admiring him like a piece of artwork.

Kurt turns Blaine's head towards him and Blaine sits up, leaning in to gently kiss Kurt, knowing that's what Kurt was signaling. Kurt brings his hand up and cups Blaine's cheek, kissing him a little deeper and then pulling away teasingly, lying back on his elbows. "Better now?" Kurt smirks.

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