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//okay folks so this one shot is about the proposal BUT Kurt was the dalton prep boy and Blaine was the one getting bullied at McKinley. So basically everything is just switched. Requested by @klaine_2015//

"Blaine, my best friend, my one true love. Will you marry me?" Kurt asks, beaming excitedly but actually dying inside hoping Blaine would say yes.

Blaine silently nodded, crying his eyes out and mouthing "Yes!"

Kurt slid the ring onto Blaine's finger before throwing his arms around Blaine's neck, hugging him closer as they both cried tears of joy.

"I love you." Blaine whispers in his now fiancés ear.


"So what do you suppose we do now?" Blaine asks, sitting on the floor of Dalton, picking up the rose petals around him after everyone had left.

"Well we could maybe go out to dinner?" Kurt smiles.

Blaine chuckles softly. "That's not what I meant." he says, motioning for Kurt to come sit next to him, which he does.

Blaine lays his head on Kurt's lap, smiling up at him. "I kinda meant what are our living arrangements gonna be? I mean, I have a whole life in new york and you still go to school here. But I don't wanna be away from you." Blaine frowns.

"Well then move back here for the next month until I graduate and then we can go back to New York." Kurt suggests, kissing the tip of Blaine's nose.

Blaine smiles softly. "We'll worry about that later. All I know is that I'm going to spend the whole week I have here with my gorgeous fiancé." He giggles.

Kurt blushes. "Well in that case, why don't we go back to my house." He smirks, standing up.

"Okay." Blaine smiles, standing up and walking hand in hand with his new fiancé back to his car.

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