Mini Golf Date

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//Kurt and Blaine both attend McKinley and it's the first day of both their junior years. Kurt is a cheerio and Blaine is a 'badboy'😂hope you enjoy.//

Kurt walks into Geometry and sits down at his desk, wondering who will be in this class with him.

He watched as slowly more and more people poured into his last period class. He was saddened to see that no one he really knew was in this class.

That was until about ten minutes after the bell rang, Blaine Anderson walked through the door. Sure he had never really talked to Blaine ever but he would certainly love to get to know the hot guy with slicked back hair and sparkling golden eyes.

Blaine sat down next to Kurt at the shared desk as it was the only empty seat left in the classroom.

Kurt rested his head in his hand and looked at Blaine, his mind being taken over by thoughts about the pretty boy.

"Like what you see?" Blaine raises an eyebrow, smirking.

Kurt takes a second to hear him, but when he does, he jumps back to reality. "Hmm?" He says and then realized what Blaine said. "I can't say I do." He teases, shrugging as he turns back to the syllabus on his desk.

Blaine chuckles, tapping his pen on the desk. "Yeah right."

Kurt turns to Blaine and raises his eyebrow. "Are you calling me a liar, Anderson?"

"I am, Hummel." Blaine says, winking at Kurt.

Kurt's mouth practically fell open.

"What? You don't like to be called by your last name?" Blaine teases.

The truth is, Kurt was surprised to find out that Blaine even knew his last name.

Their teacher cleared his throat, drawing the boy's attention back to him. "Can this flirting session wait till I'm done going over your syllabus?" Mr. Anderson scoffs.

Kurt went beet red. "I'm so sorry." He says.

Blaine was just laughing. He wasn't going to respect his dad, especially when his dad doesn't even respect him. He turns to Kurt. "You didn't deny that you were flirting with me." He whispers through a smirk.

"Shut up! I don't want to make him mad again." Kurt says quietly, gesturing to the teacher.

"Cool it. He's my father." Blaine rolls his eyes.

"Ohhh.. got it." Kurt says, finally connecting the dots. "Wait, aren't teachers usually nice to their kids when they have them as students?"

Blaine chuckles. "Not mine. Ya see, he couldn't care less about me nor my education. That kinda came with the whole 'I'm gay' thing." He shrugs, putting his feet up on the desk.

Kurt kinda went silent after that, not wanting to offend Blaine by following up on that topic.

The bell rang about ten minutes later and Kurt got up, grabbing his bag and smiling at Blaine. "See you tomorrow, Anderson." He waves and leaves.


Kurt got outside and got into his car after practice, attempting to start it up and go home.

Except the car had one slight issue. It wasn't starting.

Kurt tried it at least ten times before getting out of the car and slamming his door, grunting. "Stupid piece of shit."

Kurt then heard a loud motorcycle pull up behind where he was parked. "Is something wrong?" Blaine yells over the engine of his bike.

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