Bachelor Parties

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"Sam, I don't want to do this." Blaine groans while being pulled into a strip club. "I don't understand this whole thing. I get how it's supposed to be like my last night of freedom and how I'm supposed to lust after all these guys cause I'm not allowed to whenever Kurt and I are married or whatever but all I want is him." Blaine pouts, slouching down in a chair at the bar.

Cooper rolls his eyes "you're unbelievable. How could you not want to watch all these guys? Especially when there's alcohol involved." He smirks.

"Yeah dude, you've been with the same guy for six years, that's gotta be boring. Don't you ever think about having sex with anyone else?" Puck asks, confused by how Blaine didn't cheat.

Blaine looked at Puck like he was insane "I just.. don't find anyone else as attractive as Kurt. And I'd way rather have sex with him. He knows just what feels good and we are always trying new things. No one is gonna know me that well the first time and it'd just be a drunken gross mess. That doesn't sound fun to me. You know what, I'm gonna leave and go hang out with Kurt, you all can have fun here. Don't get too drunk please, I don't want all my groomsmen and my best man to be hungover tomorrow." Blaine warns.

Sam hops up "you're not leaving, Blaine. We're here to make sure you have fun and I'm not letting you leave." He smiles, sitting Blaine back down and ordering them all some shots.

Blaine rolls his eyes "fine, but I have a very low alcohol tolerance so I'll be drunk by my second drink." He chuckles.

After a drink and a half, Blaine was acting drunk so he could go home. All the guys were too drunk to pay any attention when Blaine got up and walked outside and got into his Uber.

Meanwhile, Kurt was bored out of his mind while his bridesmaids got drunk and watched the strippers they ordered to the hotel they were staying at.

All Kurt wanted was Blaine so he decided to text him

To: BlaineyBoo
[hey baby, how's your party going?😉]

From: BlaineyBoo
[It sounds like my party is filled with a bunch of drunk girls in my fiancé's hotel room.]

To: BlaineyBoo
[what do you mean? I though Sam and Puck and Finn and Cooper took you to some strip club?]

From: BlaineyBoo
[well come over to my hotel room and I'll explain.😉]

Kurt got up and snuck away to go to Blaine's room. He opened the door and walked around the room, not finding Blaine till he got to Blaine's bedroom. "Well hello there, handsome." Blaine smirks up at Kurt from under the covers on the bed.

Kurt giggles and lays down in bed with him, laying his head on Blaine's shoulder. "Why are you back here already? Aren't you supposed to be out getting drunk with the boys?" Kurt giggles.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting drunk with the girls?" Blaine teases.

"True, true. But I didn't want to get drunk. And I didn't want to be there either. All those strippers were gross and sweaty and they weren't you. All I wanted was you." Kurt blushes.

Blaine giggles "that's exactly what I was thinking. I don't want to think of the last night before we get married as my last night of freedom. I want to think of it as my last night before the rest of our happy little life together." Blaine smiles, kissing Kurt's nose gently and adorably.

Kurt giggles "you're a big dork. I love you." He smiles, leaning in to kiss Blaine deeply.

Blaine smiles, gently squeezing Kurt's ass, pulling Kurt closer to himself and kissing him deeper.

"This is way better than our bachelor parties." Blaine giggles, smirking and kissing him passionately.

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