Pride Parade

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//Kurt and Blaine meet at a pride parade☺️enjoy! Also, sorry I didn't write for a while, I had auditions and I was really stressed😬I'll try to write more. If you have any prompt ideas send me a message or comment here👍🏼//

Blaine pulled the paper off his cheek, revealing the rainbow temporary tattoo that was now there, matching the one on the opposite cheek. He smiled the biggest smile at himself in the mirror. He was so excited for pride.

He adorned rainbow checkered Vans, skinny jeans and a white T-shirt that said pride in rainbow. He felt like it was understated but still got the point across. He loved it.

Blaine quietly snuck downstairs so that he didn't pull attention to himself. Since his dad was in his office, Blaine luckily got out of the house without any questions.

He drove to Nick's house and honked the horn, letting Nick know that he was there.

Nick walked out and got in the car, smiling brightly. "I'm so excited!" He giggles.

Blaine smiles and starts their drive to Columbus which was an hour away.

They jammed out to Lady Gaga and Britney Spears the whole way there, as one should on their way to pride.

Once they got there, Blaine parked and they walked further into the city, where everybody was already getting ready for the parade to start.

On their way to find their spots, Nick ran off because he saw a cute boy. Blaine smiles as he sat alone.


Two hours later, Blaine was hyping up, dancing around with Nick and Nick's new 'friend' Jeff, when he turned to see the guy next to him and practically got the wind knocked out of him by how gorgeous this guy was. He looked around Blaine's age, maybe a year or two older but that may have just been since he was about two or three inches taller than Blaine, with fluffy brown hair and soft blue eyes.

The boy looks at Blaine with a soft smile and slightly blushy cheeks. "Hi." He says warmly.

Blaine giggles nervously. "Hey." He gives a soft wave. "My name's Blaine." He smiles.

"Kurt!" Kurt giggles softly. "Sorry, I'm a little nervous. This is my first pride." He blushes.

"Oh! Mine too!" Blaine smiles. "Are you here with anyone?"

"Yeah, I came with my friend Santana but she kinda ran off with some girl she met." Kurt chuckles.

Blaine smiles. "Yeah I came with my friend Nick and he's pretty much convinced that he's found the love of his life." He giggles.

Kurt smiles sweetly at Blaine. "Well then I guess that leaves you to hang out with me for the rest of the day." He gives Blaine a playful smirk.

"I guess it does." Blaine blushes, smiling at Kurt.

"Do you want to go walk around and maybe find somewhere to sit down and eat? Preferably somewhere with air conditioning." Kurt chuckles.

Blaine smiles. "I'd love to." He says happily.

Kurt gently grabs Blaine's hand as they started walking. "Is this alright?" He asks sweetly.

"Yeah. This is nice." Blaine blushes. "So where do you want to go?"

"There's a little coffee shop down the street. Do you want to go there?" Kurt smiles.

"Sure!" Blaine giggles.


They two boys sat down in a booth smiling happily at each other, sharing a piece of cheesecake as they drank their coffees.

"So where do you go to school?" Kurt smiles.

"Dalton Academy. Ew that sounded preppy. I swear I'm not one of those preppy guys. My dad made me go there because he wants me to be a successful lawyer. Like that's ever gonna happen." Blaine chuckles. "Sorry, am I rambling? I tend to ramble after I've drank coffee..." He blushes.

Kurt giggles. "You're rambling but it's cute."

"Well thank you. What school do you go to?" Blaine smiles.

"McKinley High." Kurt says happy. "I'm in the glee club. It's kind of dorky but it's fun."

"It's not dorky! I'm in the Warblers. I think we've competed against you guys a couple times. You're part of the New Directions, right?"

"Yeah." Kurt smiles dreamily at Blaine. "Do you want to go somewhere after this?"

"Yeah. Where do you want to go?" Blaine blushes and then his phone starts buzzing. "Hold up I need to answer this." He smiles, holding up the phone to his ear. "Hello?.....Really?...." Blaine smirks. "You better not do anYTHING in my car or I swear to god Nick. Okay, return my car in the morning please. Be safe." He chuckles, hanging up.

"What was that all about?" Kurt chuckles.

"My friend Nick asked if he could take my car cause him and his friend want to go home." Blaine wiggles his eyebrows, giggling.

Kurt laughs, getting up out of the booth, holding Blaine's hand. "So do you need me to take you home?"

"Ah shit." Blaine sighs. "I was supposed to spend the night at Nick's tonight so my dad didn't see me coming home late looking like this."

"Oh it's cool, you can spend the night with me if you want to." Kurt smiles.

Blaine blushes. "I'd like that." He giggles softly.

Kurt smiles, walking Blaine to his car.

They got in the car and Blaine smiles as they drove past all of the decorations, seeing all of the happy couples and out and proud people who were still partying up and down the streets.

Kurt smiles over at Blaine. "It's kind of therapeutic seeing how many diverse people there are in Ohio. Usually when you think diverse you think of New York City or San Francisco." He smiles.

"Yeah." Blaine smiles. "Although I'm kind of sad about it being over. But I'm happy that we got something out of it." He blushes.

Kurt giggles, blushing. "Yeah. It looks like we did." He smiles.


They got back to Kurt's house, said goodnight to Burt who seemed a little skeptical about them meeting each other at pride and then coming home and sleeping in the same room. But he let Kurt have some time with his friend.

Blaine sat down on the bed and Kurt handed Blaine a makeup wipe to take off the temporary tattoos on his face.

Blaine sighs sadly, getting up and looking in the mirror, starting to wipe off the tattoos.

"Woah woah, you're rubbing on your poor skin too hard. Come here before you hurt yourself." Kurt says sweetly, taking the wipe and gently rubbing the rainbows off of Blaine's cheeks.

Blaine blushes and Kurt felt the heat come to Blaine's cheeks.

Kurt giggles. "You're really cute. Did you know that?"

Blaine giggles softly. "You're cuter." He smiles.

Kurt throws the wipe away and smiles back at Blaine. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Blaine smiles. "Sure!"

Kurt lays down in his bed and Blaine cuddles close to him, laying his head on Kurt's shoulder.

And the two boys fell asleep a little while later, in the bliss of their newfound relationship.

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