The Flirt

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// credits to @gleek1212221 for this idea. Okay, so, Blaine is a big flirt and he keeps trying to win Kurt over but Kurt is a shy and awkward bean and Blaine doesn't stop till he gets what he wants//

Kurt walked up to his locker and got out his books and put them in his bag.

Blaine walked up, leaning against the lockers, smirking at Kurt "damn, you look good today, Hummel. Did you call J-Lo last night to get some tips for making guys go crazy for your ass, because it's working."

Kurt blushes brightly "t-they're just r-really tight jeans. You know.... just like squeezing everything in there... okay, goodbye." Kurt says and runs away, trying to escape his own awkwardness.

Although he dropped a piece of paper, which Blaine picked up and read. It was a love note. It didn't say to whom, it just read 'what I love about you: your eyes, your smile, your flirtatiousness'

'Well it's gotta be about me' Blaine thought, shoving the note in his pocket.

That afternoon, Blaine walked up to Kurt, leaning on the lockers again. "Hey pretty boy, I believe you dropped a little something earlier..." he smirks.

"W-What did I drop?" Kurt asks nervously.

"This." Blaine says, holding up the note but it was all folded so Kurt couldn't see what it said.

Kurt tried to reach for it but Blaine pulled it back "I'm not gonna give it to you that easily." Blaine smirks.

Kurt giggles a bit "what are you going to make me do?" He asks innocently.

"Well, well, Hummel I see. You're willing to do anything to me to get this back?" He winks seductively.

Kurt blushes brightly "no! That's not what I meant!" He giggles.

Blaine smiles "I'll think about what you have to do and I'll get back to you tomorrow." He smirks.

"You're going to make me wait all night to know what's in there?" Kurt rolls his eyes.

Blaine smirks "you got anything else to do tonight? Or perhaps... anyone to do?" He winks.

Kurt giggles "does your mind ever think about anything but sex?"

"You." Blaine smiles. "Sometimes the two combine but most of the time they're separate." He smirks.

Kurt playfully shoves Blaine's shoulder and Blaine giggles softly.

"I think I know what I want in exchange for this note." Blaine smiles.

"And what is that?" Kurt teases, giggling quietly.

"You're coming to a party with me tonight. After the party, you get your note back." Blaine smirks.

"Fine, what party is this? Like a birthday party? A superbowl party?" Kurt asks.

"No, dummy. A party party." Blaine chuckles. "Puck and a bunch of the football guys are throwing the party at pucks house since his parents won't be there." He smiles.

Kurt shakes his head "absolutely not! My dad would never let me go to a party where there's no adults."

"Oh there will be people there over 18, that's adult enough." Blaine smirks. "Don't worry, I won't ruin that precious innocent mind of yours." He smiles. "You just need to let loose, have a little fun." Blaine giggles.

Kurt smiles "fine, if I must. But I'm gonna need to sleep over at your house if you want me to drink. My dad would literally kill me if I came home drunk."

"Wow, we just started talking and you're already trying to sleep with me? You move fast." Blaine teases.

Kurt's eyes got wide "n-no! That's not what I meant!"

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