Tongue Tied

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//this is exactly what the title says, it's the scene of tongue tied and a little bit before. it'll probably be a little different cause i haven't watched the scene recently but oh well and the beginning will be what i imagine happened between them winning and them walking into school. enjoy!//

Everyone was cheering and crying tears of joy when they got onto the bus. Kurt and Blaine took their seats in the back, smiling brightly.

Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap, wrapping his arms around kurt's waist. "How ya feeling, baby?" Blaine smiles.

Kurt giggles, kissing Blaine softly. "Amazing." he grins, kissing him again. "and you?"

"Wonderful. Our first Nationals win together." Blaine whispers, kissing kurt again.

Kurt blushes, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him deeper.

"Get a room, ladies." Santana sighs, cuddling up with Brittany.

Blaine pulls away from Kurt, looking at Santana all sassy. "Santana, in case you haven't noticed, you decided to sit next to us. You chose to see this."

"It was the last seat, hobbit." Santana rolls her eyes. Brittany frowns. "but my unicorn looks happy, San. Why can't he be happy?"

"Oh no, don't guilt me into this." Santana says but then Brittany gives her puppy dog eyes and Santana instantly caves. "Fine, just keep it in your pants, porcelain and tiny Borat." Santana waves them off.

Blaine smirks and kisses Kurt again.


Everyone stood outside the doors of McKinley, scared of what they were going to face on the other side.

Artie finally wheeled through the door, everyone following behind him.

People started at them and the trophy and Kurt reached behind him grabbed Blaine's hand when two of the jocks walked towards them with slushie cups.

Everyone went to duck when they went to throw the cups but they smiled when it was just confetti that came out at them.

And then all the students around them started cheering. All the New Directions celebrated as they walked to the choir room.

Blaine dipped kurt, kissing him sweetly. Kurt swooned at the romantic gesture, kissing Blaine back.

They walked to the choir room and Sam started pouring some sparkling cider for everyone, handing out the glasses.

Kurt and Blaine danced around the room together. They put their glasses down and Blaine spins Kurt back into his arms, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

"How about we get out of here and go back to my house?" Kurt whispers, gently kissing Blaine's neck.

"That sounds amazing, but isn't Artie throwing some big party tonight? won't it be a little awkward if we don't show?" Blaine asks.

"The party isn't until eight, don't flatter yourself, it won't take that long to have sex before the party." Kurt giggles.

Blaine mocks being hurt. "How dare you!" he says, putting a hand to his chest like he's shocked.

"I'm just kidding, babe." Kurt chuckles. "Now, lets go." he smiles, grabbing Blaine's hand and walking out of the choir room.


Kurt sprays his hair with some hair spray while styling it in the mirror, getting ready for the party.

"Kurt, how do i look?" Blaine asks, walking out of Kurt's closet in his own jeans from earlier with one of Kurt's shirts on.

"Hot." Kurt smirks, kissing Blaine softly. "Are you ready to go? Finn has agreed to be our driver tonight and my Dad and Carole are out of town, so we can both drink as much as we want." Kurt smiles. "Although i'll have to keep an eye on you. You tend to think you're straight when you're drunk."

"Not now! Now i'm just all over you when i'm drunk. Don't you remember that video that Santana took of us last time when i was literally climbing you like a goddamn stripper pole?!" Blaine laughs.

"Yeah, i do remember." Kurt giggles. "Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky again tonight."

"Well why else would I carry this around?" Blaine smirks, pulling a condom out of his back pocket.

"Oh yeah, real classy." Kurt laughs, grabbing Blaine's hand. "let's go." he smiles.

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