Nail Polish

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Blaine walked out onto the field on Thursday night with all the guys, suited up in their football pads and uniforms.

As they did a couple chants and ran over a few plays, Kurt was cheering with Mercedes and Rachel in the stands.

Blaine felt good about tonight, it was the last game of the season and they were playing their rival school, Carmel High. But if Blaine had to be honest, even though Carmel has a great show choir, their football team sucked ass, so he wasn't worried.


There were twenty second left in the last quarter. The teams were tied with twenty three points and Blaine was more focused than ever, intent on winning.

They got into their positions and the whistle blew. Puck threw the ball to Finn who, while dodging two guys who were coming at him, threw it to Blaine who ran like hell into the end zone, scoring the winning touchdown right before the timer started buzzing.

Everyone in the stands erupted into cheers and all the players rallied around Blaine, hoisting him up in the air.

Kurt smiled the biggest smile at his boyfriend and waved at him. Blaine saw him and waved back.

The guys went off to the locker rooms to shower and get changed so they could go home. Blaine was He last one out and Kurt was waiting for him outside the locker rooms.

He walked out and Kurt hugged him tightly "good job, baby!" He squeals, planting a passionate kiss onto Blaine's lips.

Blaine kisses back for a few seconds and then pulls away. "I would say a round of congratulatory sex is in order but I'm really tired." He giggles.

Kurt smiles and traces his hand lightly up under Blaine's shirt. "Are you sure?" He smirks, gently leaning in and whispering in his ear "cause my parents are out of town ya know. And Finn is staying at Rachel's. We have the house all to ourselves." Kurt says, gently nipping at Blaine's ear.

Blaine moans softly "you know? I don't think I'm that tired after all." He smiles, a blush creeping up the back of his neck.

Kurt giggles and grabs Blaine's hand "that's what I thought." He smirks and walks Blaine to his car.


Blaine and Kurt were panting, cuddled up in each other's sweaty yet soft embraces, placing gentle, loving little kisses all over each other's faces and bodies.

Blaine giggles "I'm going to go take another shower. Somehow I got sweatier from this than the game." He laughs.

Kurt smiles "okay babe, care if I join you?" He asks innocently. "Ya know, to conserve water."

Blaine chuckles "come on ya big dork." He smiles and walks to the bathroom with Kurt.

They showered and then got out and Blaine put on some of Kurt's pajamas. He put on some sweatpants that were adorably long on him and a shirt that fit a little snugly because of his muscles.

Kurt sits down at his vanity to do his nightly skin care routine and he looks in the mirror at Blaine. "How do you manage to look sexy and adorable all at the same time?" He giggles.

Blaine shrugs, giggling "I could ask you the same question." He winks.

Kurt rolls his eyes and starts putting on all the creams. Blaine walks over and looks at all the stuff, spotting a section of little glass bottles and smiling, sitting down in front of them and looking at them. "Nail polish, huh?" He smiles, admiring all the colors that he'd never seen Kurt wear any of.

Kurt blushes "maybe." He giggles softly, a little nervous of what Blaine will think.

Blaine just smiles "we should paint our nails tonight." He suggests.

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