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"Mom! Everything has to be perfect. Kurt's family is coming over and I can't risk them hating me!" Blaine stressed. He had already changed shirts twice because he kept sweating through all of them and he couldn't afford to sweat through a third.

After his whole family got there, the doorbell rang one last time and Blaine ran to go get it.

He swung open the door to reveal Kurt, Burt, Finn and Carole. Blaine hugged Carole and said hi to Finn and Burt and they walked inside. Blaine stepped outside with Kurt, shutting the door behind him once they were outside.

"Just a fair warning, pretty much my whole family is gonna give us shit about being together but don't worry, if anyone is rude to you, I'll defend you and everything will be okay." Blaine said.

Kurt could tell that Blaine was quite tense. "Baby, let's sit down and breathe for a minute." He says and sits down in a little porch swing with Blaine, gently massaging Blaine's shoulders. "Take a deep breath, everything will be okay. I know you want to impress my dad but you can't try to hard because you're not you when you're trying to impress him. What impresses him is when he sees you being your cute little gentlemanly self and you open doors for me or scoot out my chair for me or when you're listening every time I say anything. That's what he loves about you." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hands sweetly.

Blaine smiles and takes a deep breath, calming down "thank you. I needed that." He cuddles into Kurt's chest. "Now, let's go inside, I'll introduce you to everybody." He smiles.


They walk inside, hand in hand, as Blaine leads Kurt over to a small group of people. "Kurt, this is my Aunt Patty, my Uncle Joe, my cousin Charlie, and my little baby cousin Jessie." Blaine coos Jessie's name, picking up the baby and holding her in his arms.

Kurt smiles "hi, I'm Kurt, Blaine's boyfriend." Kurt says proudly, shaking Patty's hand. He goes to shake Joe's hand but he declines it, taking his baby back from Blaine's arms as quick as possible to which Patty softly curses her husband out for being so rude to the boys. Blaine glares at his uncle but doesn't say anything.

Blaine holds Kurt's hand, gently squeezing it while they walk away. Kurt rubs his thumb on the back of Blaine's hand soothingly, knowing Blaine is a little pissed off.

Kurt smiles "I'm going to go help your mom and Carole in the kitchen, go hang out with my dad and Finn, have some good bonding time." Kurt kisses Blaine softly.

Blaine smiles and goes to the couch, sitting next to Finn and Burt was sitting in an arm chair next to the couch.

They talked football as they watched the game and had some quality bonding time.

Meanwhile, Kurt was in the kitchen, getting along great with all of Blaine's family that was in there. He talked a bit with Blaine's uncle who was sitting on the counter top with his son in his lap.

This particular uncle was gay and his husband was the blood related Anderson, so him and Kurt were kind of in the same position.

Kurt went out to the living room and sat in Blaine's lap because there wasn't any room on the couches.

Blaine giggles and rests his chin on Kurt shoulder, sighing softly.

Kurt smiles "I think I may be winning the parent game because your mom loves me." He smiles, cuddling into Blaine's chest.

Blaine giggles softly "I don't know, your mom and Finn both like me so it's two to one buddy." He smirks playfully.

Kurt giggles "that's not fair, I've never met Cooper so I can't have him on my side!" He fake pouts.

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