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//What if during the episode where Kurt get attacked in the alleyway, him and Blaine weren't back together yet? My day has been absolute shit so I decided to write something sad and slightly angsty. Enjoy!//

Rachel, Santana, Mercedes and Sam were pacing the hospital waiting room. Since none of them were family, they weren't allowed in the room with Kurt until he woke up.

"What if he isn't okay?" Mercedes asks softly.

"Why the hell would you say something like that?!" Santana rolls her eyes. "He'll be fine. It'll just take some time." Rachel says quietly, sitting next to Mercedes.

Sam sits on the other side of her while Santana continues to pace the room.

Burt and Carole walked in. "Is he okay?!" Burt asks, walking over to the kids. "We don't know. He's in a coma right now and they won't let us know anything since we're not family." Sam informs them.

"I'm going to see what I can find out. You kids sit tight." Burt says, walking up to the front desk.

"I'll be back in a second." Sam says quietly to Mercedes, walking a little down the hall and dialing Blaine's number.

He put the phone up to his ear and waited for his best friend to answer.

After the fourth ring, Blaine picked up. "What's up?" he asks.

"Listen, Blaine, Kurt got into a pretty bad fight and he's at the hospital right now, he's in a coma but I'm pretty sure he's gonna want to talk to you when he wakes up." Sam explains.

"W-Why would he want to talk to me? He hates me, remember?" Blaine says, a little nervous, wondering if Kurt was okay.

"Well a guy found him in a back alleyway and we believe he was gay bashed. I know you've been through a similar thing so I hoped maybe you can calm him down once he wakes up." Sam says softly.

"God, o-okay. Yeah I'll be there in an hour or so. Are you at the hospital closest to the apartment?" Blaine asks.

"Yeah." Sam says. "Okay I'm across town so I should be there in an hour or so. Text me if you hear any updates on him, okay?" Blaine says, it sounded to Sam like he was on the verge of tears.

"Okay." Sam says, hanging up.

Sam walked back to the waiting room to see Burt sitting down again. "They didn't let you go see him?!" Sam asks, outraged that they wouldn't even let Kurt's father go see him.

"Nope. They said they were running some tests on him and I'm not allowed back there right now." Burt says, mildly angry.

Sam frowns. "Well Blaine is on his way. I assumed he could probably help Kurt more than any of us can once he wakes up considering this kind of thing has happened to him before too with the whole sadie hawkins dance thing." he says softly.

"You're a good kid, Sam." Burt smiles faintly at him. Sam sits down next to Mercedes again, holding her hand as they waited.


Blaine walks into the waiting room about two hours later because it was raining so the traffic was ten times worse than the normal chaotic traffic.

Burt and Sam were awake while Rachel, Mercedes, Santana and Carole were all asleep in their chairs. "Hey guys. Any updates?" Blaine asks quietly so he didn't disturb everyone who was asleep.

"No, he's not awake yet. They started running tests on him but none of the results came back. We don't know how banged up he looks yet either." Burt says softly.

Blaine sits next to Sam, frowning. He wishes he could have been there for Kurt. Even though they haven't spoken in a while considering Blaine felt like Kurt still hated him even though Kurt was also secretly wishing they would get back together.

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