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//Kurt has been hired by Blaine's parents to tutor him. The only problem is that Blaine is the stereotypical bully jock. But maybe that's not all there is to him.//

"Finn, what if he like.... attacks me or something??" Kurt sighs, leaning back in the passenger seat of Finn's car.

"He's not gonna attack you. He's never the one to prompt something like that. It's always Karofsky or Azimo's idea. You'll be okay. Plus, his parents will be there, and I'll stay close by so if you need me just text me." Finn says. "Plus, you're getting paid like thirty bucks an hour."

"You're right. Okay. Thank you for the ride." Kurt says getting out of the car and walking up to the door, knocking lightly.

Blaine's mom came to the door. "Hello, you must be Kurt. I'm Pam, Blaine's mother. He's in his room. First door on the left." she says, motioning to the hallway.

"Thank you." Kurt smiles bashfully at her, walking over and knocking on the door.

"Come in." Blaine calls. Kurt slowly opened the door, stepping into the room. "Hello." Kurt smiles softly at him.

"Uh... Hi." Blaine subtly waves at him. "You can come sit." he says, sitting on top of his covers, getting out his biology homework.

"Oh okay, so biology is easy. It's pretty much all just memorization." Kurt smiles.

Blaine sighs. "I'm not too good at memorizing things."

"What do you mean? You're on the football team right?" Kurt asks. "Well yeah." Blaine says, confused.

"You have to remember plays and stuff like that, don't you?" Kurt questions, tilting his head a bit.

Blaine looks down at his lap, fiddling with his hands because he was very confused at the fact that he couldn't seem to think about anything when he looked at Kurt.

"Earth to Blaine." Kurt giggles softly, snapping to get his attention.

Blaine shakes his head, snapping out of it. "Uh yeah. I have to remember plays." Blaine says, looking back up at Kurt.

"Well then see, you can remember things." Kurt smiles. "Okay so the four valves of the heart." Kurt says, pointing to it on the sheet. "Put your hand on your chest." Kurt instructs.

"Okay?" Blaine says, placing his hand over his heart.

"Do you feel your heartbeat?" Kurt asks. Blaine nods, he wasn't going to mention that fact that his heartbeat was miles faster than it normally was because he was nervous.

"Well, for half of that heartbeat, a flap of tissue, scientifically called a leaflet, opens up, releasing blood from the heart to the four valves. For the other half of the heartbeat, it closes to make sure the blood can't flow back in." Kurt says.

"Woah, that's a pretty fast process." Blaine says, kind of intrigued by it.

Kurt nods, giggling softly. "Yeah, it is. Okay so the tricuspid valve is on the top right of the heart." Kurt says, pressing his finger to that area. "The pulmonary valve is on the bottom right." he says, moving his finger down and pressing softly on that area. "Aortic is on the bottom left, and Mitral is on the top left." Kurt says, pointing accordingly before pulling away. "Do you think you've got it?"

Blaine felt like he couldn't speak. It felt like his mouth was a desert and his heart was going a million miles an hour. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Blaine says, quickly walking off to the bathroom.

Kurt raises an eyebrow, confused as to why the boy left in such a haste. He pulled out his phone, texting Santana.

[San, you know about football boys, what the hell is wrong with Blaine?]

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