A Baby?!

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//Kurt and Rachel have been out of high school for ten years. Kurt is a successful part-owner and executive designer of Vogue and Rachel just finished her run on broadway as Elphaba in Wicked. They've both had a couple of boyfriends since high school but nothing had ever gotten serious for either of them. Enjoy!//

"Rachel are you seriously suggesting we have a baby?" Kurt asks, sitting on the couch with her.

They were watching Mamma Mia 2 and both of them were frowning, wishing they would find a man soon. They were silently sulking until Rachel randomly suggested they have a baby together.

"I mean, we're not getting any younger here. We both want a baby. We don't seem to be meeting anyone to have kids with. We already live together..." Rachel shrugs. "It was just a suggestion. Don't get your panties in a twist or anything."

Kurt contemplated it for a minute. "It's actually not a bad idea... But don't you think it would basically indefinitely take us out of the dating game? That's kind of a weird thing to explain to someone you're newly dating. Like hey, I'm glad you like me, now meet my best friend and our baby together?? That sounds a little insane."

"I want a baby." Rachel pouts. "I want a boyfriend too." she frowns.

"I know, I do too." Kurt sighs. "And listen, let's plan an appointment with your gynecologist to do a check up and see what steps we need to take if we actually want to do this. That doesn't mean it's indefinite that we're doing this but we can maybe see our options." Kurt smiles at her.

Rachel hugs him closely. "I'm so excited to just relax for a little bit now that I don't have to do two shows a day." she chuckles.

"Well unlike you, I have to go to work tomorrow so I think I'm gonna go to bed." Kurt smiles, going off to bed.


"Listen, Isabelle, I am so sorry but I'm running late. I didn't wake up in time but I'm stopping to get you some coffee so I'll be there in a bit. Okay bye." Kurt says, hanging up the phone and frantically ordering their coffee.

Kurt grabbed the cups and ran out the door, immediately running into someone, spilling both the coffees. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Kurt apologizes, looking up at the guy and blushing slightly when he saw him because damn this man was hot.

"It's all good, I was about to head home anyways." Blaine smiles charmingly at Kurt. "Although I won't keep you, you seem to be in quite a hurry." he chuckles.

"Oh no I'm good, here let me buy you some coffee or help you in some way, I feel awful." Kurt suggests.

"Well luckily you and whoever that other coffee is for like iced coffee and not hot coffee." Blaine giggles. "Seriously though, it's okay. You don't have to give me anything... unless it's your number." He winks.

Kurt blushes. "Well I can definitely give you that." he giggles. Blaine hands him his phone and Kurt enters his number. "Well you have coffee all over you so I'll let you go. I'm Kurt by the way." He smiles.

"I'm Blaine." Blaine waves goodbye, walking away.

Kurt got into the office, dazed and smiley. "Woah I'm guessing you had a sleepover with someone last night?" Isabelle smirks. "Wait where's my coffee?"

"I just met the most beautiful man i've ever seen." Kurt says dreamily, leaning against the conference table.

Isabelle smiles, sitting next to him. "Okay I will excuse the fact that I now have no coffee because you have been single for too long. Did you get his number?"

"Yep! Well I gave him my number." Kurt says, and then, like clockwork, his phone chimed.

Kurt opened the text and it was a picture of Blaine in his mirror, smiling brightly, with new clothes on. [Finally coffee-free :) ] it said.

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