Eighteenth Birthday

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//Basically Kurt's Eighteenth birthday party and his and Blaine's celebration.//

"I can't believe you got us all into Scandals, Santana." Kurt smiles. "How did you do it?"

"I'm not revealing my secrets." Santana smirks.

The whole glee club was there, dancing the night away and consuming quite a few drinks.

"Well thank you." Kurt smiles, grabbing Blaine's hand. "Now, go dance with Britt, have some fun." Kurt giggles, shooing her away.

After Santana leaves, Kurt turns to Blaine and kisses him softly. "So do you want to dance?" Blaine whispers into the kiss.

"I'd love to." Kurt smiles, taking Blaine's hand and leading him to the dance floor.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt's waist, leaning in to kiss Kurt's neck. "Happy birthday, baby." he whispers.

"Thank you, and when we go home, remember, my dad thinks we went to dave and busters." Kurt giggles.

"Got it." Blaine smiles. "Is he really gonna let me sleep over, in the same bed as you, on your birthday?" He smirks. "He's not an idiot, he knows we're gonna have sex."

"I think he's finally accepted that he can't stop it." Kurt laughs, gently pushing their hips together to insinuate his point.

Blaine moans softly, laying his head on Kurt shoulder. "You make a good point." he smirks.

"I know." Kurt giggles, lifting Blaine's head up. "Now shut up and kiss me." he teases.

Blaine connects their lips, kissing him deeply and passionately.


"Okay so first of all, I had no idea he was with someone!" Puck defends himself after getting beaten up by a dude who found out Puck had flirted and made out with his boyfriend.

"You're an idiot, Noah." Kurt laughs as they walked outside.

Kurt and Blaine didn't drink nearly as much as the others did so they could drive everyone else home.

Kurt drove home all all the girls and Blaine drove home all the guys.

"Kurt happyyyy birthdayyy." Rachel giggles.

"Thank you, Rach. And if any of you puke in my car, you're walking home." Kurt reprimands.

Mercedes and Tina slept the whole way while Brittany and Santana were cuddling and making out in the backseat and Rachel and Quinn were being all chatty and giggly.

"So Kurt, what else are you and Blaine gonna do to celebrate?" Quinn smirks.

"Maybe just watch a movie or something." Kurt says nonchalantly, avoiding the obvious answer that Quinn wanted.


"Sam for the last time, no, it is not illegal that Kurt and I are dating now that's he's 18." Blaine rolls his eyes.

"I'm just saying, I don't want him to go to jail." Sam says, raising his arms in surrender.

"Wait Kurt's going to jail?" Finn asks, baffled. "Burt's gonna be mad."

"No, Kurt is NOT going to jail." Blaine couldn't help but giggle. "Sam is just delusional."

"I'm not delusical or whatever you just said!" Sam frowns.


Blaine finally got to Kurt's house, parking and then going up and knocking on the door.

"What took you so long?" Kurt asks as he opens the door.

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