Happy New Year

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Kurt and Blaine were throwing a party for New Years Eve. The newly married couple decorated their New York apartment with joy.

Of course they could go to Times Square and see the whole ball drop there but Times Square is hectic and gross and loud and full of drunk twenty year olds there on vacation, which wasn't quite their style.

They had black, white, red and gold decor strewn about their apartment, mainly in the living room and kitchen and dining room.

At about ten o'clock, people started arriving. First it was Rachel and Jesse since they lived the closest, then Tina and Artie. Santana and Brittany came next, and other people came later on.

By eleven o'clock, Mercedes, Quinn, Santana, Artie and Tina were all blackout drunk, leaving Blaine, Kurt and Jesse, who all only had a few drinks, and then Brittany and Rachel who hadn't drank at all.

Kurt sat in Blaine's lap while the five of them talked. "Well, I know Brit's not drinking because she's pregnant, but why are you not drinking, Rachel?" Blaine asks. Kurt and Jesse tensed up a little bit, knowing the reason why.

Rachel smiles "I just don't feel very well." She shrugs. Both the tense boys, eased their nerves a little bit and went back to normal.

Blaine smiles "do you need anything?" He asks sweetly.

"No, I'm good. Thank you though." Rachel smiles, thank god she was such a good actor.

"Well alright, tell me if you need anything though." Blaine says and cuddles Kurt closer into his chest, gently kissing his cheek.

Even though they have been married for two months, they are still in the honeymoon phase and they were just so happy and lovey towards each other.

Soon, Santana, drunker than everyone combined, got a hold of the aux cord and started blasting music.

Blaine giggles and gets up, pulling Kurt up with him to go dance.

After about twenty minutes of dancing, they checked the time and it was 11:45. Blaine quickly turned on the tv to see the ball drop and then went back to dancing with Kurt. It was a slightly slower song playing so Blaine took it as his opportunity to slow dance with Kurt.

He spun Kurt around and then back into his arms, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist while Kurt's arms were loosely wrapped around Blaine's neck.

"I forgot to tell you earlier but you look so hot tonight." Blaine smiles, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt giggles "you look very hot too, my love." He smiles "and I especially love your shoes, they look like a disco ball." He smirks, slightly making fun of Blaine.

Blaine giggles "you can try to be mean all you want, I know I look good because I always look good."

Kurt kisses Blaine softly "oh I know, baby. It's highly exhausting how you manage to be hot literally 24/7." He giggles.

Blaine turned back around to face the TV. "Baby!! Five minutes till midnight!!" He giggles excitedly.

Kurt giggles "I know. And as much as I've loved this party, I'm ready for people to leave so we can clean up, have some amazing sex, and then go to sleep." He chuckles.

Blaine blushes "sex, huh? What makes you think I want to have sex tonight?" He teases. "You always want to have sex, Blaine. You have the sex drive of a sixteen year old boy." Kurt giggles.

"Hey! You'd be pretty horny all the time too if your husband was as hot as mine." Blaine defends.

Kurt chuckles "you're such a dork." He says and laughs as he shakes his head. "But babe, I have a surprise for you." Kurt smiles, squeezing Blaine's hands.

"Ooh what is it?!" Blaine asks excitedly. "Well, you know how Rachel wasn't drinking earlier?" Kurt asks, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Uh yeah?" Blaine's says, confused.

"Well...." Kurt starts.


"She's" Kurt giggles, knowing that his slowness was driving Blaine crazy.

"Pregnant!" Kurt smiles widely. Blaine gave him a confused expression.

"with...." Kurt beams.

"our baby!!" Kurt blurts out.

Blaine couldn't even speak, he was in such a state of shock. He just pulled Kurt in closely, kissing him deeply.

They had been trying and trying for this baby for six months. They decided to start trying before they got married because they knew it would take a while to finally work.

"Y-You mean...." Blaine says giddily. "We're having a baby?" He tears up.

Kurt nods, smiling and crying with joy, hugging Blaine tightly. "Happy new year!" Kurt giggles.

Blaine cries many tears of joy, letting go of Kurt and running to go find Rachel.

Once he saw her, he kind of could see a little bit of a bump, he's surprised he didn't notice it before now. She looked to be about sixteen weeks or so.

Blaine hugged Rachel tightly "Rach, we will help you with everything you need help with while you're pregnant. Thank you so much for doing this." Blaine cries and hugs her, finally letting her go so she can breathe.

He pulls away "c-can I talk to them?" He asks softly, pointing to her tummy.

Rachel giggles "of course you can, Blaine, she's your daughter after all."

Blaine cried even more "s-she's a girl?" He smiles brightly, to which Rachel nodded.

Blaine kneeled on the floor and Kurt kneeled next to him.

"Hey little girl, it's your papa, or you daddy, or maybe just dad, we haven't quite figured that out yet." Blaine giggles "I can't wait to meet you and see your pretty little face. I but you'll look just like your other daddy or maybe your mommy, Rachel. And if so, be sure to say thank you to them, they're pretty good looking people so you're bound to be the cutest little girl on the planet and you will have me wrapped around your finger in an instant." Blaine smiles. "I'll meet you in a few more months." He whispers, leaning back and hugging Kurt tightly.

Soon, everyone left and Kurt and Blaine were left to revel in the fact that they were going to be dads in a few short months.

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