Bad Guy part 2

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//Okay so this is a continuation to my chapter from a while ago titled Bad Guy so I would suggest going back and reading that to get all caught up.//

Kurt and Blaine pull up to the school, Kurt hopping off the bike and taking off his helmet, fixing his hair.

Blaine giggles. "You wanna know what my favorite thing about riding my bike with you is?" He asks, adjusting his jacket.

"Uh.. sure?" Kurt blushes, holding Blaine's hand as they walked through the parking lot. "When I start speeding up and you hold onto me tighter." he says bashfully.

"You wanna know what my favorite thing about riding your bike with you is?" Kurt giggles.

"What?" Blaine asks, smiling at him.

"When you speed up, because then I can hold you tighter so you believe I'm just holding you that tight cause I'm scared when in reality I'm not scared at all, I just want to hold you closer." Kurt says, smirking.

Blaine blushes, leaning over and kissing Kurt sweetly.

"Oh that reminds me, did you find out if your dad saw us kissing last night?" Blaine asks softly, pulling away from the kiss.

Kurt giggles. "He did and I got a whole twenty minute lecture about how I can't let you take advantage of me too quickly and blah blah... more boring stuff that I'm not gonna listen to." He laughs.

"You know I would never take advantage of you, right?" Blaine asks, cupping Kurt's cheek with his hand.

"I know." Kurt smiles, hugging Blaine tightly. "I've gotta go to chemistry but I will see you next period." He says sweetly, kissing Blaine lovingly before walking off to class.


Blaine walked into class, sitting in his seat next to Kurt, giving him a soft kiss. "How was chemistry?" he asks, holding Kurt's hand.

Kurt smiles, blushing softly. "It was alright I guess. But I can tell this class will be much better."

"And why's that?" Blaine smirks, kissing the back of Kurt's hand.

"Because you're here!" Kurt giggles, getting his notebook out.

Finn and Puck look over at them. Puck winks at Blaine, happy that they were finally together.

Blaine smiles at Kurt. "Can I wrap an arm around your waist?" He asks softly.

Kurt blushes, nodding. "Of course." he giggles.

Blaine does so, bringing Kurt closer to him.

Kurt immediately realized that it was very visible to the class that they were being affectionate and he started freaking out a bit, scared he was going to get bullied again for having a boyfriend.

Blaine saw Kurt's unease. "It'll be okay. No one will mess with you because I will beat them up faster than they can even threaten you. You're safe with me." he whispers, rubbing his thumb along Kurt's side.

Kurt relaxed a little bit, laying his head on Blaine's shoulder. "Thank you." he whispers back.


"I want to join glee club." Blaine proposes to Quinn and Santana one day when they were sitting under the bleachers.

"You can audition any time. We have rehearsal after school, why don't you do it then?" Quinn suggests.

Blaine sighs. "Well I haven't told Kurt yet. I want to run the idea by him first."

"Wait, you should surprise him by auditioning! He would love it!" Santana smiles. "He talks about you all of practice anyways, it's like your basically already there. Also Schue accepts anyone that auditions so you can suck ass and still make it."

Klaine One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora