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//the scene after scandal's but cuter and not sad👍🏼//

After a long night at the gay bar, scandals, Kurt practically carried his drunk boyfriend out to the car.

Blaine has the biggest grin on his face. "I want to come back here every night! I just wanna live here and make... make art! And help people." Blaine smiles.

Kurt chuckles. "Yeah, you could help people light fires with your breath." He teases.

"Oh come on I didn't drink tHAT much." Blaine giggles.

Kurt opens the back door to his car. "Just lay down in here. You're less likely to throw up that way." He laughs, laying Blaine down in the backseat.

Blaine pouts. "But I can't kiss you and hold your hand from back here."

Kurt gives him a quick peck on the lips and squeezes his hand gently. "We can cuddle when we get home."

Blaine started crying. "I can't go home, Kurt! My dad will kill me!" He says, in hysterics.

Kurt frowns. "Shh baby, I'm not taking you to your house, you're coming back to my house, don't worry. You're safe at my house. You like my house, remember?" He smiles softly.

Blaine smiles back at Kurt. "Yeah, your bed is really comfy. And your fridge is huge and it always has everything I want in it." He giggles.

"Exactly. Now lay down. They quicker we get home, the quicker we get to lay in my comfy bed." Kurt smiles.

Blaine nods, laying down and cuddling a jacket that was in the backseat.

Kurt shuts the door, chuckling as he got into the drivers seat. "If you feel sick please warn me and stick your head out the window."

Blaine yawns as he says okay.

Kurt got about three minutes away from his house before Blaine opened the door and threw up out of the car.

"Blaine you're gonna get my door taken off what are you-" Kurt starts before he sees that Blaine was sick.

Blaine pulled himself back into the car and Kurt parked at home, quickly getting out to help Blaine.

Blaine frowns. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad." Blaine says softly.

"It's okay baby, you did what I told you to do. Thank you. I appreciate it." Kurt smiles softly, trying to cheer him up. "This is why you don't drink on an empty stomach, silly. It makes you sick. Let's go get you washed off a bit."

Blaine gets up out of the car, going to give Kurt a kiss on the cheek.

Kurt pulls away a little bit. "Babe you can kiss me after you've washed out your barf mouth." He chuckles softly.

Blaine nods and walks with Kurt into the house.

Burt gives the boys a look and Kurt gives him a look back, mouthing that he would come tell him what was going on in a second.

Kurt guides Blaine to the bathroom and draws him a bath, putting some bubbles in it cause he knew Blaine loved bubble baths.

"Get undressed and get into the bath. I'm going to go get you some clean clothes and talk to my dad for a second, okay?" Kurt smiles softly.

Blaine nods, smiling back. "Thank you, Kurtie."

Kurt smiles and turns off the bath once it got full and then went to talk to his dad.

He got downstairs and Burt was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, raising an eyebrow at his son.

Kurt sighs, sitting down with Burt.

"So why was Blaine drunk?" Burt questions, getting right to the point.

"We may or may not have gone to the gay bar across town.... but I didn't drink anything. I promise." Kurt says, trying to defend himself.

"Kurt, I don't want you going to bars when you're barely about to be eighteen. If you were twenty, I would maybe consider it, but you're a teenager. Just take care of Blaine tonight, make sure he doesn't get into any trouble, and I'll have a talk with him in the morning." Burt says sternly.

Kurt nods. "Okay. Thank you for not being mad."

"You're welcome. The door stays open tonight though. I don't know what things that boy has on his mind but he's a drunk teenage boy so I believe sex is one of them." Burt says.

"He's not like that. He's a sweetie. He's like a five year old when he's drunk apparently." Kurt chuckles softly.

"Well you won't be seeing any more of that till you two are of age. Do you hear me?" Burt raises an eyebrow.

Kurt nods and goes to his room before he could hear anymore.

He grabs some clothes and goes back to the bathroom.

Blaine was singing and blowing the bubbles from his bath around.

Kurt stands in the doorway for awhile, hearing his boyfriend's beautiful voice, smiling.

Blaine was quietly singing one of the songs played in the bar earlier, which Kurt was surprised that he remembered.

After a few minutes, Kurt walked into the bathroom and Blaine smiled adorably when he saw Kurt.

Kurt giggles at Blaine's loving smile. "Hey, baby." He says, picking up a washcloth and washing Blaine's face. "How are you feeling?" He asks, playing with Blaine's wet curls. He loved Blaine's curls so much.

Blaine smiles. "I feel better. My stomach doesn't really hurt and I don't feel sick anymore. I'm just sleepy." He yawns.

Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek. "Well let's get you dressed and in bed then." He smiles.

Blaine gets out of the bath and dries off and gets dressed while Kurt gets the bed ready.

Blaine comes in after he brushed his teeth and giggles. "I brushed my teeth can I kiss you now?" He pouts softly.

"Of course, baby. Come here." Kurt smiles, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist and giving him a soft kiss on the lips, before pulling away. "We'll save the kisses for tomorrow when you wake up and you don't feel well." Kurt kisses his forehead.

Blaine smiles and gets into bed. Kurt sets a bucket next to the bed. "That's for if you wake up and feel sick again. Don't be afraid to wake me up if you feel sick. I want to make sure you're alright." He says, climbing into bed and cuddling Blaine.

Blaine nods and smiles. "Thank you, Kurt. I love you." He whispers softly.

"I love you too." Kurt says back, falling asleep quickly after that.

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