The next morning I heard whirring noises and I yawned. I opened my eyes and threw my arm to stop my alarm clock. I frowned and opened my eyes. I saw blue metal and lines on the floor. Around the walls of the small room was a long cushioned seat and a large table in the middle.
"I didn't know when you would wake so I made some food," a blue plate was pushed in front of me and I sat up. A blue cloak fell off my shoulders and I yawned. The door shut and I ate the food. When I finished, the a hole opened and the plate fell. I wrapped the cloak around me and I walked out of the room. I heard talking down the hall and I followed it.
"Its been 5 years and I haven't heard from you or the fleet. Have you found anything?"
"I have evidence on two possible planets," the woman on the screen nodded. "I'm on my way back. It will take me 50 hours from this point in the galaxy," the screen went clear and he turned around. "Y/N. I didn't realize you were there.  How did you sleep?"
"5 years? You've been away from your family for 5 years?"
"Yeah. It wasn't so bad the first few weeks but then the fleet decreased until I was the only one left. Our time is longer where we lived because of the planet's placement," I nodded and studied him. He was only around 6 foot now with light cyan skin. He had white markings on his arms and face and his eyes were a soft gray.
"I'm sorry about taking you. If you want to return..."
"No," I immediately said. "I needed time away from Earth. I'm glad you decided to bring me along," I walked up and looked at the controls.
"Yeah?" I turned and there was conflict in C/N's eyes.
"Do you remember those emotions I was talking about?" I nodded. "They are stronger now," he glanced away and I put my hand on his neck.
"My emotions are stronger too," I pulled his lips to mine and he wrapped his arms around me. "Ti amo,” I muttered. He held me in a tight hug.
"Anch'io ti amo," I frowned.
"How do you know Italian?"
"I didn't know where I would land so I studied as many languages as we had on record."
"Interesting. Dad was from Italy and we would go there for most holidays," he took me on a tour of the ship and he went to the last room. "From the outside, it barely looked big enough for any humanoid lifeform, much less an entire kitchen and enough space for basketball games."
"That's what we want others to think," he opened the door and I walked inside. It looked ordinary enough. Bed, bookshelves lining a wall, bathroom, closet, dresser and a bedside table. I picked a book from the shelf and looked through it. "That book is written in..."
"The letters are moving. It's written in another language and it's changing to English," he frowned.
"Strange. That's never happened before. Have you always had that mark?" I looked at the rash forming on my wrist.
"Yeah. It might flare up and start itching. Other days it's just like a burn," he took my wrist and examined it.
"It can't be," he mumbled, holding his wrist up as well. He pressed our wrists together and there was a spark of electricity. He released my arm and I saw dark lines on our wrists.
"We were destined to meet. This means nothing can separate us," he took my hand and I looked at the book.
"Like a soulmate?" He nodded.

The next 49 hours weren't too bad. We finally landed and we walked to meet the leader.
"We will have a celebration to honor my son's discovery and safe return," she glared at me and took C/N's arm. Two guards picked me Up under my arms, holding a piece of cloth to my mouth and nose, and dragged me in the opposite direction.

I turned and Y/N was gone.
"Where did Y/N go?"
"Who dear?"
"She's the one. I received my mark. It's her," mom waved me off.
"Impossible. I'm sure she ran off, trying to escape," I shook my head.
"She wouldn't wander off without saying anything."
"I'm sure she's alright. Let's start planning."

I was put into chains on the wall and a tall man walked in.
"You weren't supposed to make it back here. We were almost going to succeed with our plan but it will be delayed because of you," the man struck my cheek and I glared at him.
"You were going to kill him, weren't you?"
"She has another heir who will do better. At least he won't leave for 5 years and return with a human," the man scoffed and I felt stones dig into my back.

"I don't care about the planet right now. Where is she?" My cheek stung from an unseen hand and I winced.
"Where is who?"
"Y/N," my mother shrugged.
"I'm sure she's making her escape," I turned and saw one of her advisors blocking the door. "What is important is finding this new planet. Are you with us or are you going with the earthling?" I typed some coordinates and I left the room.

Third person POV
"Release the fleet. We will return to our home planet and destroy those earthings."

I rushed down the hallway, pausing to catch my breath from the unseen blows to my ribs and abdomen. I heard someone coming up the stairs and I blended into the wall.
"It is done, my queen," another advisor spoke into his earpiece. "No, have not seen him. I'll keep an eye out," he turned a corner and I continued to the dungeons. I searched the cells and I heard a groan. I went to the cell and saw chains moving on the wall. I opened the lock quickly and shut it behind me.
"C/N?" I saw some blood and got her free. "I thought you were dead. They want you gone and they'll go through me to achieve that," I kiss her forehead and I watched the cuts heal.
"I'm okay. We need to get out of here," I carried her down the corridor and into the hanger. I left her to my ship and we took off. I turned it to autopilot and went to check on her.
I had put her in my bed and she looked in pain as she slept. I put my hand on her arm and she opened her eyes.
"It's okay. I'm just healing your injuries," I swept my finger over her arms, ribs, and abdomen. "I've been all over the universe but you are the most beautiful thing I've found," her cheeks went red and she sat up. "More beautiful than the brightest star. You are my whole world."
"Please shut up,” she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her lips firmly to mine. I pulled her closer and my hands traveled over her sides and back. We pulled away, gasping for air, and I looked into her forest green eyes.
"Are you embarrassed?" I teased and she rolled her eyes. "What about now?" I leaned close to her ear and the shirt I was wearing disappeared.
"Are you worried they are going to find us?"
"That's what I want. We are colder than most species and will disintegrate in the heat. I want them to go to one of the closest and hottest stars," I nodded and a section of the wall disappeared. She stood up and walked over to the glass.
"The sun isn't the hottest star," I shrugged.
"I said closest. If not, I'll take them to the next planet," she pointed and I stood beside her. "They brought the whole population, not that there was much left after the heat waves," I put my arm around her.
"If you guys are cold tolerant species, why didn't you disintegrate?"
"Our temperature system is different too. Your planet is just perfect but if they found that out, they would kill the humans to be alone," I put my hand on the glass and concentrated. I opened my eyes and saw my illusion in place. I watched as the ships followed and the window closed as a bright light engulfed the ships.
"You can set up illusions?" I nodded sadly.
"Let's go home," I kissed her forehead and we went into the main control room. "Set coordinates for (your state). It might take a few hours. Go get some sleep," I looked down at her and smiled. I picked her up and laid her on my bed.
"No. You...need... sleep too," she yawned and I sat beside her.
"Alright," I enveloped her in my arms and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw I was in my room. I sat up and ran outside. I went to the crash sight and the ground looked normal. Was it a dream? Was C/N just in my imagination as all fictional characters? I went back inside and checked my phone.
"You're up early," mom sat at the kitchen table with a cup of fresh coffee.
"Yeah, I wanted to start work early," I went upstairs and changed. BFF/N called and I answered quickly.
"Guess who dating Jack?"
"You? Do you remember that kid who moved here? C/N?"
"Are you pulling my leg? There hasn't been anyone new since middle school."
"Yeah. I'll see you later. Have to finish the chores," she hung up and I went to the barn. I climbed to the loft and allowed the tears to fall.
"Y/N?" I heard someone call for me and I wiped my eyes.
"In the loft," someone climbed up the ladder and I looked at my shoes.
"I just was hiding the... Oh Y/N," I felt arms around me and I looked into familiar grey eyes. "I didn't think you would wake up so soon. I should have told you that I was forgotten," I hugged him back and tears fell.
"I thought I had imagined you," he ran his hand down my hair and pulled me into his lap.
"I don't think you could have imagined all of that," he kissed my face and I smiled.
"I don't think so either," I rested my head on his shoulder.

Over the next few years, we both graduated from high school and college and got an apartment together. We are now happily married with a daughter on the way.

This was cute. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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