superhero part 2

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So since I haven't updated this part since July 12th, I've decided to change it but keep it kinda the same. Only difference, Tony Stark adopted you but he can't find you. Hydra is the big tech company that has both you and C/N turned into superheroes and trying to train both of you before the Avengers get you guys. I hope you guys enjoy it!

The device activated and changed my suit. I looked down as the colors and style changed. I jumped out of my window and onto the busy street below.
I easily found C/N kicking a criminal to the ground. He tied the criminal up and sat on a building to wait. I landed silently beside him.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
"Your new partner. The lab knew you would need help soon and sent me in," the suit changed my voice. He looked over at me.
"Have we met before?" I shook my head.
"This is the first time out of the lab. I was created there."
"Your the experiment."

C/N POV The next day
I walked into the apartment and my aunt pointed to my room and I ran upstairs. Tony Stark himself was sitting on my bed. I shut the door behind me and he picked up something.
"Did you make this yourself? Impressive craftsmanship," I took the webshooter away.
"Yes I did. Why are you of all people casually looking through my stuff and sitting in my bedroom, Stark?"
"I just wanted to recruit you for the Avengers but I guess..."
"Wait a minute. You want a 17 year old to join a band of superheroes? I'm in," Tony nodded.
"If your aunt asks, you started an intern with me. We have a mission we want to start on right away that we want you and our other new recruit to join us on."
"Awsome. Let me know when," he nodded and left.

Y/N POV. Later
I tied the last criminal up and ran up the side of the building. I pulled myself up and jumped to the next building. My device buzzed and I fell in shock against my skin. I went straight home and saw a black car sitting out front.
I walked inside and greeted my mother. I went upstairs and saw Tony Stark in my desk chair.
"Can I help you, Mr. Stark?"
"Y/N. I'm glad you came home after your... run? That's what you have down during this time. By the way, the technology for the hologram was amazing. Not even I have come up with something like that yet," I tilted my head in confusion.
"What about your suit? The automated voice?"
"Just an automated voice. No hologram."
"Are you here to admire my mother and mess up my security system or is there another reason to be bugging me and C/N?" He looked at me in surprise. "Recruiting 17 year olds to fight Hydra? I've been doing that since I escaped. He has no idea. The Avengers have no idea on what they are facing. I know Rogers had issues with the big guy and so has your father but they are stronger and smarter."
"What do you mean?"
"They wanted to build a new line of superhumans. They were jealous because past Stark created Rogers and they decided to create me. They trained me to fight behind the scenes. Once Hydra calmed down, the project died down. They put me in a coma until a few years ago. The current leaders revived the blueprints and wiped my memories, hoping I could retain my training. I didn't remember it as well as they hoped.
"Thats when my mother told me I was her daughter. She stole me from the lab and hid me from Hydra. As I got older, they found me and offered me an intern with them. Not realizing, I accepted. I got bit by the radioactive spider, I was fighting crime, going to school with a fake hologram mother. Everything was great. Then C/N came in and I went into hiding. One city with 2 spider like fighting heroes. Only one spider superhero for the comics in the Sunday paper. I'll be on the sidelines," Tony listened as I spilled my life story.
"You enjoyed the little bit of freedom you had left though, am I wrong? Did you tell C/N the truth; all of it? If this partnership is going to work, your going to need to trust us and each other. Can you do that? It's going to be hard but I'll help in any way I can," I nodded.

"That was a piece of cake," I dusted off my hands as I saw something soar over me. I waved as Spiderman stood beside me.
"Beat me to it. Again," I nodded.
"Stark told me everything. I'll help but you need to hear my story. Come on, I'm sure your aunt thinks your at the library or you intern," he followed me to the apartment.
"What are we doing here?" I let my mask fall and he mumbled something. I hit play and my record player played mine and Tony's conversation. "Y/N? Your suit?" I nodded.
"Hydra is behind all of this. That's my life story and now you know," he hugged me and I tripped. We fell onto my bed and we blushed. He stood up and helped me to sit up.
"Any details on the mission yet?" I tapped the device and it deactivated my suit. I pressed it again and Tony spoke to us in a hologram explaining the mission.
"Hydra is heavily fortified and hard to puncture," I slid him to the side and pulled up another screen. I tapped a few buttons and nodded.
"Done. We can get through now," the guys were silent. "What? Before I officially left, I connected this to every system in that place. Who knew if something like this would have happened. Now what, Stark?" He explained what we need from a particular area.
"Sending it to you in 3, 2, 1," she pressed another button and Tony went silent. "Blocking all systems and down. No one will suspect a thing."
"We've been trying to get this for months and you got it in seconds," I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks for making us risk our lives for this mission, Stark. C/N, you better get home before your aunt worries too much," he left and I sat back.
"How did you do that?"
"Magic," I muttered. "Tomorrow is intern day. Bright and early," I shut off my device and went to sleep.

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