I looked over at Y/N and her head fell on the window. She curled her arms into her chest and her body into a fetal position. I stopped the truck at my house and she woke up, slamming her head on the window. She gasped for air and I unbuckled her seatbelt. She turned sharply and calmed slightly.
   "What's wrong?"
   "Nothing, just a nightmare," she tried to regulate her breathing but failed. I pulled her close and she tried to get away.
   "Nightmares aren't just nothing," I whispered, resting her head on my chest. I murmured comforting words and her breathing finally relaxed. "Let's get inside," she nodded, following me out of the car. I opened the door and allowed her to look around. I hung up my keys, locked the door, and I heard a thump.
The room flooded with light and I saw Y/N asleep on the floor. I smiled and shook my head. I picked her up and laid her out on the couch. I threw a blanket over her and turned out the light.

The next morning
   I heard my phone ringing and I got up to answer it.
   "Who are you and where's Y/N?" I looked over at the couch, yawning.
   "I'm C/N and she's asleep. I thought my phone was ringing."
   "Get Y/N on the phone now," the phone was plucked from my hand.
   "I'm here, BFF/N," she explained everything from last night and hung up. "Can't believe both of them thought that someone who's been single since her existence would either immediately jump into marriage or not tell anyone about a secret boyfriend and getting married," she shook her head.
   "You've never had a boyfriend?"
   "Nope. Too mean according to some people. Can't imagine what gave them that idea," she rolled her eyes and sat on the couch.
   "Your not that mean," she scoffed and I put my hand on her cheek. "Not to me or your friends at least," she looked at me and I leaned closer. Her phone rang again and she glared at it.
    "Hey mom. Let me guess, your calling about last night?"
   "Why didn't you say anything?" Her mom yelled and Y/N pulled the phone away, wincing. She explained everything to her parents and hung up. She leaned back frustrated, and she glared at me, sensing I was looking at her.
   "This is causing more issues than I thought when I decided to pretend to be your fiance," I kissed her forehead and went into the kitchen. I pulled out some ingredients and started making food.
   "Hello," Y/N paused for a second. "No I'm not. It was a misunderstanding that nearly got us killed. Sorry to get your hopes up," I looked down and Y/N hugged me. "This is frustrating," she mumbled into my side.
   "It'll be okay," I finished the food and we ate. We sat on the couch and I put on a movie.
   "This is the closest relationship with any of my coworkers," she noted, laughing slightly.
   "Rgn and (r/girl/N) might get jealous," she rolled her eyes.
   "They would be the perfect couple," we agreed and laughed. "Your best friend called earlier. Asked why you would ever consider dating me. I remembered him from school and he was a jerk."
   "He is but he's just jealous. He liked you for the longest time and didn't know how to tell you."
   "So he bullied me for 7 years? Makes perfect sense," she rolled her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder.
   "Everyone said you had your heart broken and shut off from the rest of the world. I don't think that's true," she looked up at me confused. "You've never dated so how can it be? If you had to choose anyone to date, who would it be?"
   "Someone who would have enough courage to ask me out," she shrugged and I leaned closer to her. A slight blush creeped up her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me to her lips. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into my lap. We pulled away, our foreheads pressed together. She placed her hands on my cheeks and my phone rang. I picked it up off the coffee table and answered the call.
   "C/N? We have some information for you and Y/N," the officer explained the company Jimmy and Tony worked for and how both are now dead. Jimmy didn't have any family alive due to this work so Y/N got the bar. Y/N sighed in relief and I hung up the phone. She rested her head on my shoulder and I hugged her.
   "The nightmare is finally over," I felt her smile and there was a knock on the door. We got up and I opened the door.
   "I'm mad at you. Not even your own parents," my mom pushed past me and immediately hugged Y/N, talking about wedding preparation and timing.
   "She drove out as soon as the news was over," I shut the door and told dad what happened. He laughed and caught me in a headlock. "I knew you would have told us before."
   "Maybe not now since mom's going to act like this," we went back inside and mom was scrolling through her Pinterest.
   "What do you think about this, C/N?" She showed me a picture and I shook my head.
   "We aren't getting married."
   "You already having issues?"
   "It was a misunderstanding," I explained to her and she nodded.
   "At least you two are still here. Are you dating yet at least?" Y/N got up, smiling.
   "Yeah, we are," she took my hand and mouthed 'play along'. I smiled and saw mom wiping a few tears away.
   "Did you forget about the brunch at the Stevenson's at 10?" They left and I enveloped her in my arms.
   "I'm not going to pretend this time," she laughed and I kissed her again. I sat on the couch and pulled her on top of me. I kissed her forehead and she tucked her face in my neck, embarrassed. "I love you," I murmured softly.
   "I love you too."

This took a weird turn but this was fun to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm leaving public school system finally so I might have more time to write on the 34 or so stories I haven't finished.

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