Just then, Callie comes up.

Callie: hey.
Delilah: hey Cal.
Callie: I really need to talk to you. Now.

Callie grabs me by my wrist and drags me into an empty conference room.

Callie: I need your help.
Delilah: what is it Cal? Name it.
Callie: I need you to testify for me in my custody battle with Arizona.

I had no words. Callie has been one of my closest friends since I was an intern. She's the one person who's always been there for me. After I lost George and Mark, she's the one person I've always trusted. But... Arizona is my friend too. And Sofia is my goddaughter, I promised Mark that I would do everything in my power to keep her safe. I'm not about to go back on that promise.

Delilah: Callie...
Callie: please Lilah, I am begging you. As my friend and as a doctor, I need your help. Please, I can't lose my daughter, I can't.
Delilah: I know you can't.
Callie: please Lilah.

It broke my heart seeing my closest friend so broken. As much as I hated to do it, I can't testify and be biased. I have to stay neutral for Sofia. Before Mark died, I made a promise to him to keep her safe.

Delilah: Cal, I love you. You're one of my best friends and I'd do anything for you, you know that. But... I can't take the stand for you. I have to stay neutral for Sofia's sake. She's my goddaughter and I have to think about her. I'm sorry Callie, but I can't be biased.

I could tell that my answer wasn't the one she was hoping for.

Callie: I... I understand.

I smile at Callie.

Delilah: thank you for understanding.
Callie: I knew Mark and I made the right choice, making you Sofia's godmother.

I pull Callie into a hug.

Delilah: I'm here for you Cal, every step of the way.
Callie: I love you Lilah.
Delilah: I love you too. Hang in there, okay? You can do this. All you have to do is fight like you've never fought before.

I squeeze Callie's shoulder in a comforting matter then I walk off to the daycare and pick up my kids.

Cathy: mommy!
Delilah: hi babies! Who's ready to go home and see daddy?
G&C: me, me, me, me, me!

I chuckle at my twins then I grab their things and make my way to my car. As I'm putting on the twins' seatbelts, I hear Arizona.

Arizona: Lilah! Lilah, hey.

I turn around and I see Arizona rushing over to me.

Delilah: hey Arizona.
Arizona: I wanna ask you a favour.

I had a feeling this would happen.

Delilah: I already know what you're about to saying Arizona. Look, I already talked to Callie. And I—
Arizona: you talked to Callie already?
Delilah: yes I did, and I already told her that I can't—
Arizona: oh, thank you. Thank you! I was so scared that you would take Callie's side because you guys are so close but thank you, thank you.

I look at Arizona in confusion.

Delilah: Arizona, what are you talking about?
Arizona: you said no to Callie, so you're testifying for me.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}Where stories live. Discover now