The Mortal Instruments

Start from the beginning

Jace POV
"Whats up, Alec?"
"Get your head out of the clouds.  We have another clue located. This one helps find Clary," I groaned.
"This has been going on for months now and still no way to find Sebastien or Clary. It's pointless," the siblings stared at me.
"Look, we are sorry about Clary but nothing can change that now. This new girl has the intel we need to find them and she hasn't come out of her room in 2 weeks. She didn't talk or even look at me when I went into her room. It's pointless to try."
"I know there is something she knows. She just has to give us a chance first."
"Jace, I hate to break it to you but she isn't going to be a replacement for her. Clary left with Sebastien. She chose him over us. That's why she disappeared. We didn't want to tell you," Izzy handed me a piece of paper. I read it and hung my head. I turned on my heel and went back to the library. I looked around and noticed one of the bookshelfs had changed. I looked through the dark books and tried to pick up a lighter colored one.

I don't know how long I've been here. I saw some light and I dug further into my corner. The light disappeared and then the room flooded with it. I looked up and saw Jace. I looked away and examined the room. There was a workbench with shelves around the room and above the table. The room was small and dusty.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he took my hand and helped me stand. He opened the wall and we were back in the open library. "What about you?" Jace pressed his lips together.
"All good. We need to leave for another mission soon. You might have to stay here by yourself," he led me back to my room. "I'll see you in the morning," he turned away and I went inside my room. I walked to my usual spot next to the bed and pulled out my diary. I recalled the events and placed them within my safe place.
  Just me and my diary.

Izzy POV
"What are we going to do with him? He never has acted like this, not even with Clary?" I paced after he left.
"He's trying to protect her."
"From what? Nothing is going to hurt her here."
"I don't know but whatever it is, scares him for her sake."
"He's just delusional. See you in the morning," I went to my room.

Y/N POV.    A few days later.
The Shadowhunters have been gone for a few days. I've been having these weird dreams. They are on this weird planet and there is this huge eruption of fire. There is someone in the middle of it but I can't see who it is. There are multiple people screaming and I see three figures standing in front of the flames.

I put away my diary and ate some food. I set down the tray on my bed and nearly screamed in pain. I felt heat all over my body but without a source. I saw flames  and the person was sitting beside me. I snapped out of the vision and the pain faded. I was still in the cold room at the Institute. 
I concentrated on the strange world I saw in my visions and when I opened my eyes, I was there. I saw the 3 figures, outlined by the fire in front of them.
I ran past them and into the fire. I heard shouting behind me but they went silent in the suffocating heat. I found Jace sitting on the ground. I crouched beside him and he opened his eyes. His golden eyes... wait golden?!
He looked up at me in pain. I winced and hugged him. I put my hands on his chest and closed my eyes in concentration. Flames drew from his body and up my arms. He realized what I was doing and put his hands to my cheeks. I looked at him and he shook his head. I leaned forward and kissed him, concentrating more. I felt the fire decreasing and finally went away. I pulled away from him and walked to the other shadowhunters.
"So your Y/N?" One of the guys said. I figured Izzy and him were dating because they had just kissed. I nodded slowly, looking at the charred ground. I felt several pairs of arms around me and I looked up. All three of them were hugging me.
"And she speaks her first word," Alec teased.
"She just saved our best friend. Be a little nicer," Izzy hit her brother. "By the way, this is Simon," the one who asked about me held out his hand.
"I won't bite," he smiled and I saw thin, needle like fangs. I took a step back.
"Trust me, he won't," I shook his hand and the three of them looked behind me.
"You save my life and you run away," Jace wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips. "I love you," we pulled away and I looked into his eyes.
"How do you know if you love me? We haven't know each other but a few weeks."
"Thats more than enough time. You risked your life for me."
"Not to mention but that was heavenly fire. You went in there without any runes. How exactly did you survive and what happened to it? Do you have it under control?" Alec asked.
"Its gone for good.. I don't know how I survived. My parents... the mundane ones at least, kept me away from fire. The first time I really remember fire was when Jace found me."
"Her mother could use fire. She could create fire and use it," Izzy noted.
"So your saying she created that fire and was immune to heavenly fire?"
"Even I got burned a little bit. She doesn't have anything," I looked down at his arms and saw he was right. We went into the cave and Alec found supplies. He handed me bandages and asked me to help. I nodded and Jace leaned back against the wall. As Alec applied some ointment, Jace scrunched up his face in pain. I felt the same being done to my arm.
He looked over at me when Alec paused and gestured for me to come to him. I stood and walked over to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to make my magic work.
He fell asleep, his head falling to my shoulder. Alec gave me a thumbs up and actually smiled at me.
"Did you kill him?" Simon (said) asked and I shook my head. He rolled his eyes and drank out of a juice box.
"Just put him to sleep for a while."
"How?" Alec stood and sat beside me.
"Mainly illusions. Other than that, I don't really know."
"There were rumors that your father had a magical background too. No one really knows the truth."
"I'm going to show you something no one else can know about. I... I don't really know how to explain this," I closed my eyes and imagined Izzy. I made her stand and come close to the fire.  She started screaming and I picked her up over the fire. I felt Simon's shocked reaction and paused Izzy in mid-air. I lifted Alec and Simon and all three of them started to dance over the fire.
I finished my illusion and saw their shocked expressions.
"You didn't actually do that, did you?"
"Not in the real world. In an alternate realm, yes I did. Illusionists take scenes from other realities and twist them into a sort-of movie for people. That's all dreams are, movies from other realms and you dream of them. That's all this is," I gestured to Jace.
"Thats amazing though. The way you can manipulate thoughts and dreams and other realities into a weapon or a tool. It's fascinating," Alec said. A wave of nausea came over me.
"I... I had dreams of today happening. I knew, once I met you, that you 4 were in my dream. It even predicted that this would be the first time I peaked out my powers. I've never used them that much before, especially around my mundane family."
"How long did you dream about this?" Izzy asked.
"Since I was 9. The image was blurred until I turned 12," I looked down.
"And your 16?" I nodded. Izzy came over and hugged me. I looked shocked and hugged her back. When she let me go, I was lifted up and into Jace's lap. He held me close and the others looked shocked. My head pounded and I passed out.

Clary POV
"How is she still alive? I thought I killed her."
"Patience, sister. All in good time." I heard Sebastien say. I moved away from the window and sat beside him. "She will die by your hands again and he will be yours."

I woke up with a start and almost screamed. Tears poured from my eyes and I felt something move beside me.

"Whats wrong? Are you okay?" Jace pulled me to him and ran his hand down my hair.
"Clary... Sebastien... They know where we are. They know we are coming," he kissed my lips and I went quiet.
"We are Shadowhunters. We will fight together," he wiped my tears off my face.

"We don't have to walk. I can just teleport us to where we need to be," I took Jace's hand and he looked down at me.
"I don't think we should risk it. We want you at your best. We don't know what lies ahead," I rolled my eyes and made an illusion.
"I think we should stop here for the night. We can rest a while. I'll take first shift," we went into the small cave and I let go of his hand. I made a fire and lit my hand aflame. I scanned the cave walls and floor. I saw a sliver inside the wall and squeezed into the small space. It opened up into a large cave and I saw thousands of small beams of light. I made another fireball, hoping to see better and the beams moved to me.
Slimey, dark creatures attacked me from everywhere. I threw fire everywhere, engulfing them all into piles of goo. I knelt and saw two pairs of glowing feet walking towards me. I look up and saw my parents, my real parents. They were saying something to me and I nodded.
I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head. Two more pairs of  glowing feet came towards me. I stood and stared into a red headed girl's face. The guy standing beside her handed her something and she stabbed it through my abdomen.
"I can't wait to finally meet you," she twisted the knife and pushed my shoulder. I felt like I was falling forever. I finally fell into some water. More slimey creatures pulled me under. I felt the fire dripping away from my body.

Jace POV
"Y/N. Wake up, please," she was laying on the ground and barely breathing. Her eyes widened and she spit up water. The others stared at her. She jumped up and ran to the back of the cave. She pounded her fists against the wall.
"I can't even tell what is real or not anymore," tears streamed down her face and I brought her back to the fire. When we sat down, she explained her visions.
"Thats not going to happen. We will help you," I shook my head.
"They want me to come alone," Jace tried to argue but they shook their heads. "I'll get a head start. You guys join the battle. Alec, can you give Magnus the signal?" He nodded. I kissed Jace on the cheek and teleported to a city.

I found where I guessed they were staying and I climbed the stairs. I came to a darkened room and I shut the door behind me.
"Clary, I know your in here. Come out," she sat on the windowsill. Moonlight ran through her blood red curls and hid her face from view.
"Do you know why I'm here?"
"You are going to kill me. Use the fire to kill or save the rest and keep Jace for yourself."
"Exactly. Sometimes forget what you're capable of. Now, your practically useless. Jace never loved you. He's doing all of this to get me back," I nodded, my heart in my throat.
"Your chance has come. Finish me off and he's yours."

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