Bayverse Optimus Prime x Reader ( Fight )

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Requested by: @lorijanis

Third Person's POV

Y/N was walking on the sidewalk with her eyes fixed on the ground. It was raining cats and dogs. Because she wasn't wearing any jacket, she was totally wet and cold. But she didn't care. She and Optimus got into a fight. It was their first fight since they began to date, and it was bad.

One hour ago, ...

The moment Optimus came home Y/N knew that something was wrong. As she stepped out of their house, Optimus changed into his human form and that's when Y/N realized that he was hurt. She helped him inside and as she got him on the couch, she cleaned his wounds. Every time he would come home from the battle, he would come with more stars. It was hard for Y/N. Even taught he did not show any pain she could feel all his pain. Many nights he would not even sleep because the pain kept his awake. When Y/N finished she went to clean up her hands. As she was cleaning her hands in the kitchen sink Optimus came to her.

Optimus: ''Something is bothering you Y/N. What is it?''

Y/N: ''It's nothing.''

She said but Optimus did not believe her.

Optimus: ''Don't lie to me I can see that something is bothering you.''

Y/N turn the water off.

Y/N: ''It's your scars that are bothering me.''

She said as she looked at him. 

Y/N: ''Every time you come home from the battle you are hurt. I know that it's your job to protect us from Decepticons, but your scars are getting bigger and deeper.''

Optimus: ''Y/N I can't just stop. There is danger all around us and I need to protect you and other humans.''

Y/N: ''I know that there is danger and that you want to protect us, but I don't want to see you more in pain.''

Optimus: ''What would like me to do just sit here and do nothing when Autobots and people need my help?''

 Me: ''I didn't say that.''

Optimus: ''I know that you are thinking.''

Me: ''Optimus don't be like this.''

Optimus: ''I can't stop Y/N and I will not stop!''

 Me: ''I can't see you getting more hurt Optimus! There is a limit of how much you can take, and I know that you are getting close to it!''

And with that Y/N left. She could hear Optimus call her name, but she didn't stop. As the tears began to roll down her cheeks it started to rain. 

One Hour Later...

Y/N took a seat under the nearest tree. It stopped raining but the tears were still coming down her cheeks. She knew that Optimus love to help people, but she could not bear the pain if one day she would wake up and learned that he died. She covered her eyes with her hands and began to cry more. 

Voice: ''Y/N.''

The girl removed her hands and as she looked up, she saw her sparkmate. He was standing in front of her with pain in his eyes. He went down to her level and that's when they mead an eye contact. Optimus knew how scared Y/N was for him. He didn't say anything. He just took her hands and pulled her into the hug. She began to cry more on him. He knew in how much pain she would be if something would happen to him. So, he made a promise to himself that he would never let her feel that pain. And he kept his promised. 

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