Megatron ( Bayverse ) x Reader ( Love Game )

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Reader's POV

The doors of my bedroom opened and as I looked to see who it was I saw that it was Shockwave in his human form.

Shockwave: "Y/N."

Me: "Shockwave. What brought you here?"

Shockwave: "I have bad news."

When he said that I knew precisely who he was talking about.

Me: "This is about Barricade am I right?"

Shockwave: "Yes he got himself a new girlfriend."

A smile of anger grew on my face.

Me: "Well I guess it is time for me to start playing the love game."

I stood up from my bed and walked out of the room. Barricade and I have been dating for 2 years when he decided to break up with me for an unknown reason. Now I knew what the reason was. I approach the big doors of Decepticon's leader's room and open them without knocking. I saw him standing in the middle of his bed in his original form and as he heard the doors opening he turned around.

Me: "Let's play a love game."

Megatron: "A love game?"

Me: "Are you in a love game?"

A smile grew on his face as he began to approach me.

Megatron: "Let's not just pritend to love. I want it for real."

A smile grew on my face. He changed into his human form and placed his right hand under my chin.

Me: "Deal."

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