Ultra Magnus x Reader ( Soft Side )

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Reader's POV 

Magnus and I were walking side to side around the park, holding each other's hand enjoying a beautiful sunny day when I spotted a little girl all alone crying. 

Me: ''Oh my God.'' 

I let go of Magnus's hand and began to run towards the little girl who had to be only six years of age. I could hear Magnus running after me. As I came to the girl I went down on her level. 

Girl: ''I-I-I c-cant f-f-f-find m-my mommy.'' 

She said as she looked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks. She was so little and so scared. 

Me: ''It's okay honey. What's your name?'' 

Girl: ''Sam.''

She began to cry again. 

Me: ''Oh it's okay. We will help you find your mommy. I'm Y/N and this is Magnus.'' 

The little girl stopped crying and as she looked up at Magnus a smile grew on her face. 

Sam: ''M-Magnue what a strange name.'' 

I began to laugh as I looked up at Magnus who rolled his eyes annoyed. 

Me: ''Come let's sit under that tree. It's too hot to be in the sun for too long.''

She quickly took a hold of my hand and I lead her to a bench that was under the tree. 

Me: ''Do you know your mommy's phone number?'' 

Sam: ''No.'' 

Me: ''Okay do you know how does she look like?'' 

Sam: ''She has brown hair like me, glasses and brown eyes.'' 

Me: ''You are so smart. You will be with your mommy in no time.'' 

I said turning my attention to Magnus. 

Me: ''Could you stay with her as I go look for her mother?'' 

The moment I said that his eyes became big. 

Magnus: ''What? Y/N you can't...I don't know anything about the kids.''

Me: ''Well maybe it's time for you to find out how awesome they could be. Honey I will go look for you mommy. Stay with Magnus he will look after you.'' 

I told the little girl and she quickly nodded her head. I turned around and began to walk. 

Magnus: ''Babe. You...you...can't...'' 

I looked back at him and gave him a small smile to tell him that everything will be okay. I was looking around the park for the girl's mother for twenty minutes not seeing her anywhere. I was about to return to Magnus to take the little girl to the police station when I spotted the woman with brown hair, glasses, and brown hair calling her daughter. The moment I heard the name: ''Sam'' I knew I found her. 

Me: ''Mam you Sam's mother?'' 

I asked as I came to her. Her eyes got big. 

Woman: ''You know her? She's a small girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and pink shoes?'' 

I nodded. 

Me: ''Yeah my boyfriend and I found her. He's looking after her come on.'' 

Woman: ''Oh my God. I was so worried.'' 

I began to lead her to the place. As we got there I was taught that my heart would melt. Magnus was sitting on the bench with the little girl in his arms sleeping. The woman quickly ren up to her daughter and as she woke up she gave her other the biggest hug. The mother thanked us million times before they happily left. 

Me: ''That was so cute.'' 

I said looking at Magnus on my right. 

Magnus: ''She was asking me a million questions about us and when she got tired she fell asleep in my arms.''

Me: ''It's nice to see that you have a soft side not only to me but to others as well. I'm proud.'' 

I said kissing him on the cheek. He looked at me with a smile. 

Magnus: ''Can we have one? Or two?'' 

Me: ''Yeah. We can.'' 

I said before we kissed again. 

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