Optimus Prime x Reader ( Under The Stars )

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Reader's POV

Robots totally changed our planet but like many people, I knew that we needed their help. They saved our planet before and I really didn't know why they were hurting them. When my father brought a giant truck I never taught in a million years that it could be a transformer. Well, it was an even bigger surprise when I learned that the truck was Optimus Prime the leader of Autobots.

I was on my legs day and night to help him get better. I was surprised that he even allowed me to help him. Humans weren't just hunting Decepticons but Autobots as well. Optimus was in really bad condition and I knew that if he would get into a battle he wouldn't make it. 

Once again I was helping Optimus with dad helping me. As dad call it off for the day I decided to stay a little longer. Optimus was sitting on the ground as I was fixing his chest piece. Behind the door that I was fixing, Optimus was hiding his spark so I was extra careful. I knew that he was strong, but I didn't want to hurt him even more.

Optimus: ''May I ask you something Y/N?''

Me: ''Of courses.''

Optimus: ''What happened to your mother?''

I stopped working for a moment so I looked up at him, seeing him looking down at me.

Me: ''She died after my sister was born. I was only two years old.'' 

I said as I continue working.

Optimus: ''I'm sorry.''

Me: ''Don't be. It was a long time ago. I don't even remember her.''

I said and I knew that he could hear the sadness in my voice.

Me: ''I wish that I could remember her. I only know her by the photos.''

I realized that I was talking and talking.

Me: ''I'm sorry.''

Optimus: ''I should never ask''

Me: ''No it's okay that you did.''

I finished my work and looked up at him.

Me: ''How does it feel now?''

Optimus: ''I feel better thank you.''

Me: ''You are welcome. Now could you placed me on the ground?''

I asked and he nodded with his head. Gently he placed me on the ground and I took a few steps back.

Me: ''Are you able to transform?''

Optimus: ''Not yet but I think that I can use my human form.''

Me: ''Human form?''

Light came around him and because it was so strong I had to close my eyes. But as the light disappeared I open my eyes again and saw a tall man with blue hair, blue eye, and muscles standing in front of me. He was handsome as hell. Wait was that...

Me: ''Optimus?''

A man smile making me took a step back. It was really him. He was wearing a dark blue tank top with blue jeans and a red, white, and blue jacket. He was so good-looking. I was so distracted by his human form that I didn't even know that my mouth drop opened. But as I noticed I quickly closed them feeling embraced.

Me: ''Am...waw that's something new. I didn't know transformers can do that.''

Optimus: ''Yeah I used it many times in the last few months.''

Me: ''Well you look good.''

My eyes got big when I figured out what I just said.

Me: ''I meant good, like waw, no like amazing, fuck...''

I was about to jump into a black hole. Optimus chuckled.

Me: ''Do you...do you want a beer?''

Optimus nodded with a smile on his face.

Me: ''Need help?''

Optimus: ''No thank you.''

He followed me out of the barn. It was quite dark outside but the stars and the moon were shining bright and because of the lights on the big tree next to the house, I was able to see perfectly. As Optimus waited by the tree I went inside to get a beer for him and ( Y/D ) for myself. As I came back to him I found him sitting on the ground by the tree. I gave him the beer and he gratefully took it.

Me: ''It's a beautiful night. Don't you think so?''

I asked taking a seat next to him.

Optimus: ''It's peacfull.''

By looking at his face I could see that he really missed this. Pise. Of course, if I would be at war with Decepticons for so long I would miss it too.

Me: ''Do you miss your home?''

Optimus: ''Yes.''

Great, that was so stupid of you Y/N. Of course, he missed Cybertron it was him home! IDIOT!

Me: ''You know a few years ago I wanted to go camping with my school. But dad was against it telling me that I was too young. I was begging him and bagging. After days of pleading with him, he said yes. I was so excited. But the first night I was so homesick. I was missing everything about my home. My bed, my room, my blanket. Of course, I missed my sister and dad the most. I was silently crying so I didn't wake up the others. I taught that I would wake up the teacher so she would call dad to come to pick me up, but I would feel so embarrassed.  As others were sleeping in their beds I was crying like a baby because I was missing my home. So I began to think of my home. I taught of every happy memory that I had. Like how I and Tessa were playing with dolls, or how dad was looking for me as I was playing hid and seek with him. There were so many beautiful memories but there was the one I will always remember. It was me, Tessa, and dad as we were sitting under this tree looking up at the sky and he was telling us about our mom. I woke up the next day feeling so proud of myself. That day I knew that if I will ever lose my home the memories will always stay there.''

By the time I stopped talking I was looking at the stars. Looking at my right seeing Optimuse's eyes looking at me.

Me: ''I'm sorry for telling you this. I know it doesn't help.''

Optimus: ''No Y/N it's true. Even if Cybertron is gone the memories will always be there. Thank you.''

I wasn't able to respond I was only able to smile. I wanted to look away but my eyes were locked with his. The energy between us was really powerful. It was like something was pulling us together. We both began to line in. Before our lips meet I closed my eye. The moment our lips meet it felt amazing. The kiss wasn't long but as it ended I opened my eyes so they could look into Optimuse's again. His hand gently tucked my ching.

Me: ''What am I feeling? It feels amazing.''

Optimus: ''Whatever you are feeling no one else can expect me. It's a bond between us. It means that you are my spark mate.''

A smile came on my face and we shared another but his time longer and more passionate kiss.

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