Ultra Magnus x Reader ( No Touching! )

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Third Person's POV 

The moment Autobots came into the main room their optics landed on Ultra Magnus and Y/N who were yet again fighting. Magnus was in his human form and together with Y/N, they were standing in the middle of the room, facing each other. They were standing really close to each other. 

Optimus: ''What's going on?'' 

Y/N: ''Magnus is being a stubborn bot.'' 

She said letting go of her crossing hands and with that, she touched Magnu's left hand a little, making him put his hands in the air. 

Magnus: ''She is touching me.'' 

Y/N: ''I'm not touching you.'' 

She said as she quickly looked back at him. 

Y/N: ''You know what's touching? This...'' 

She began to raise her hand to touch his hand. 

Magnus: ''Ahhh... You're touching me!'' 

Y/N: ''Not touching...'' 

Magnus: ''Touching me!'' 

Y/N: ''It's free to air!'' 

All Autobots were looking at them with no idea what to do. At that moment Magnus placed his hands on Y/N's cheeks and pulled her face forwards so he could kiss her. With that, she pushed back. 

Y/N: ''Ew!'' 

Magnus: ''What? Didn't you like it?'' 

He asked with a pleasing smile. 

Y/N: ''....actually... 

She took a step forward and as she placed her hands on his chest she connected her lips with him. They began to kiss. 

Optimus: ''Let's leave them.'' 

Hound: ''Yeah, yeah.'' 

With that, all of them left. 

( I saw this trend going around TikTok. If you guys want I can make more with other characters but the same story. Well, not fully the same. If you are up for it write to me about what character you want me to use and I will do it. ) 

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