Optimus Prime ( Netflix ) x Reader ( Fixing Our Scars )

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PS!!! ( The Autobots are working with humans who came to Cybertron to help them stop Decepticons ) 

Reader's POV

Me: ''Optimus!'' 

I was running as fast as I could throw the ruins of the old Autobot city trying to find him. We got separated a few moments ago when Starscream and his team of Decepticons came. Where was a backup when you needed one? 

Coming around the corner I saw Optimus being surrounded by Decepticons who were all ready for Starscream's command to attack him.  I quickly took my blaster that was behind my waist and pointed it towards them. 

Me: "Optimus get down!''

The moment he heard my voice he dropped down and I pulled the trigger. A strong blast flew towards the Decepticons knocking them to the ground. I was about to shoot again but before I knew it my legs became heavy and I fell to my knees dropping my gun. 

Starscream: ''Get them you lazy rats!'' 

A hand came around me carefully picking me up and placing me against a chest. It was Optimus who transformed into his vehicle form and quickly began to drive away. Shots and rockets were flying past and about us. It took Optimus a great effort to get to safety but we soon did. 

Optimus: ''Are you okay Y/N?'' 

He asked as he began to drive towards the base. 

Me: ''Yeah, I'm fine.'' 

I said as I paced my head against his seat. This mission was one of the craziest I ever went and thanks to Primus we both got out alive. After some time we finally came into the base. Optimus changed into his human form and together with me in his strong arms he began to carry me into the medic room. 

I had some new cuts and scratches that needed to be fixed and because I was never fond of medics Optimus decided to help me with them. 

Me: ''I can walk you know.'' 

I said as I saw many people and Autobots looking at us. 

Optimus: ''Your body is weak Y/N. Some of those cuts on your body are deep and I don't want you to be in more pain as you walk.'' 

I turned my head to look at him. He always looked after me. Even when we were not on the missions. His blue beard went so well with his crystal blue eyes. How I wished to touch his perfect lips. 

Coming into the medic room Optimus gently placed me on the first table. After getting the stuff that he needed for my scars he began to go threw my wounds on my arms. He was so gentle I bearly felt the pain. When he was done with my hands it came time for my stomach. 

I needed to remove my shirt so I did just that. I didn't feel awkward in my sports bra only and I trusted Optimus more than anyone. Looking down at my stomach he began to examine my fresh cuts. It never happened that I would come back from the mission without new cuts. He began to work on my cuts and because he was so gentle I bearly felt a thing. 

Optimus: ''Don't get me wrong Y/N but maybe you should s-'' 

Me: ''I know what you are going to say Optimus. But I can't do that. I wouldn't stop until we save this planet and the whole galaxy from Megatron.'' 

Optimus: ''You are something Y/N.'' 

Me: ''What do you mean?'' 

I asked looking up at him. 

Optimus: ''You always try to help even taught you are in pain. You never step back from a fight even when you are surrounded by Decepticons. There is so much courage in you that sometimes I forgot that you are only...'' 

Me: ''A human?'' 

He looked up from my stomach to meet my eyes. 

Optimus: ''Yes.'' 

Me: ''It's true that missions are sometimes hard. But if I could I would do all of them again and again. I will do anything to help you guys.'' 

A smile grew on his face making my spark beat extra fast as it already was. Just then I noticed blood on his shirt and it wasn't mine. 

Me: ''You're bleeding.'' 

Optimus: ''I'm alright.'' 

Me: ''If that's so you won't mind me take a look. Right?'' 

He stepped away so I could jump down the medic table and approached him. Removing his jacket I lifted his shirt to see a deep cut on his lower stomach. 

Me: ''Shit this is deep. Let me help you with this.'' 

Optimus: ''I trust you not to kill me.'' 

Me: ''Ha-ha very funny Prime. Take a seat.'' 

After taking the seat on the bed where I was sitting not only a minute ago he removed his shirt. For a slipt second, I stared at his muscular chest. His body was better than the body of the Greek God! Carefully I began to work on his wound trying not to think about it. But it was so hard as he was right in front of me. 

Me: ''What are you going to do after the war is over Optimus?'' 

Optimus: ''I'm going to spend the rest of my life with my spark mate.'' 

Me: ''Oh you found your mate?'' 

I asked without looking up at him. 

Optimus: ''I did. You.'' 

Quickly looking up my eyes meet his in the middle. Did...did he just say...that I was his mate? His spark mate?! 

Me: ''No... Not me. How?'' 

I asked taking a step back in shock. I wanted to be his spark mate but...how was this possible? Optimus began to approach me and as his body almost touched mine he looked down at me. 

Optimus: ''My spark has chosen you Y/N. You are my spark mate. My other half.'' 

With that, he began to line in, and with a bright smile, I kissed him on the lips. 

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