Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( 5 Years, 7 Months, and 12 Weeks )

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Reader's POV

I became his enemy the moment I joined the Autobots. But before that, we used to be more. We used to be lovers. But if only I would know who he was before I let him hold me I would never let it happen. But something about him pulled me more to him, and before I knew it I was in love. Now here I was battling him once more.

Our battle has been going on ever since I chose my side. 5 years, 7 months, and 12 weeks.

He was in his human form trying to get me on the ground but I did not let him. He could use his original robot form but he never did and I never knew the reason why. If I was hones I was sick and tired of him. I wanted to fight him in his original form. Why was he once again holding himself back?

Me: "Fight me in your original form Megatron! Fight me as the gladiator you used to be!"

I yelled as I kicked him hard in the ribs sending him flying back.

Megatron: "Where is the challenge in that?"

He asked with a smirk that made my blood boil. With my sword, I attacked him once more. He got up on his legs and attacked me with his sword as well. We began to fight again. Each time that I protected myself he was trying to get closer to me. But I wouldn't let him. I knew him well enough to know what he was trying to do.

Me: "Do not come near me!" 

Megatron: "Why not? You always liked it." 

Me: "Damn you and the time I let you hold me." 

Suddenly my sword made contact with his chest making a big cut that ran down his chest. A gasp left me as Megatron grounded in pain. I did not expect it to get him. The blood began to drip down his grey shirt. I lowered my sword in shock. 

Me: "Megat-" 

Suddenly he pushed himself forward and before I could step back he grabbed me with both of his hands and turned me around. He pulled me back so my back hit his chest and his hands made me drop the sword. 

Me: "What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!" 

I began to resist him as hard as I could trying to get away from him. But he was holding me tightly. 

Me: "Megatron I swear to Primus I will-" 

Megatron: "Your heart still beats for me. I can feel it." 

He whispered into my ear making chills roll down my spine as my eyes winded in shock. 

Me: "You are wrong. I do not love you anymore." 

Megatron turned me around so I could face him. He was holding me against his body and I could feel my heart beating as fast as it did the first time I let him place his hands around me. 

Megatron: "Say that again." 

Me: "I said that I do not love you anymore." 

He pulled me even closer so I could feel his breath on my face as our eyes were connected. 

Megatron: "I know you Y/N. If anything I know how bad a liar you are. You got scared when your sword made contact with me because you believed that I got hurt, baldy. You still care after 5 years, 7 months, and 12 weeks." 

My body stopped resisting as I heard him remembering how long we have been broken up and fighting each other. He was counting as well. 

Me: "I can't do this anymore." 

Megatron: "Join me. Please." 

With sadness in my eyes, I shooed my head. 

Me: "You know I can't do that." 

Megatron: "Well then I guess we will be the enemy for the rest of our lives." 

Me: "I'm sorry." 

I closed my eyes and as I did he kissed me on the forehead making me open my eyes so the tears could start rolling down my cheeks. 

Megatron: "I'm sorry too." 

Transformers One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora