Optimus Prime ( Animated ) x Reader ( Eye For An Eye )

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Third Person's POV 

The rain was pouring down and the Autobots were out looking for Y/N. She was missing. It was unusual for her to be gone for that long and Optimus got really bad feeling when she didn't return from the store. All of them were driving as fast as they could as they were looking around for the sign of a human girl who might get trapped in the store because of the rain. But Optimus had a bad feeling. So bad that he was losing his mind. 


It was Y/N's number calling him. Immediately he answered the call. 

Optimus: "Y/N? What happened? Where are you?" 

Voice: "Hello Optimus." 

Optimus smalled on the breaks as he heard the voice of his greatest enemy answering instead of Y/N. 

Optimus: "Megatron." 

On the other side of the phone, a smile grew on Megatron's face as he heard the anger in Optimus's voice. He was standing in front of the girl Optimus loved. She was on her knees with her eyes filled with tears and fear. He captured her without her realizing he was following her. He caught her even before she came close to the store. 

Megatron: "Miss me?" 

Optimus: "Where is Y/N?" 

Megatron: "Do you remember what you had done Prime? To my mate?" 

How could he forget the day Megatron lost his spark mate because of him? She was his everything and because of Optimus, she lost her life. 

Optimus: "Megatron I..." 

Megatron: "Make sure you listen." 

Optimus: "What?" 

The smile disappeared from Megatron's face as anger began to ride inside of him. He placed the phone closer to Y/N who was shaking in fear. Then he pulled a gun from behind his belt and pointed it at her. 

Y/N: "Optimus-" 

The sound of the gun filled Optimus's ears as a strong pain hit his heart. A yell louder than anything filled the air around him as he changed into his human form so he could fall to his knees and hit the ground underneath him hard with his fits. 

Megatron: "Eye for an eye." 

Was the last thing Megatron said to Optimus that day as he ended the call, leaving Optimus screaming in pain.

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