Thundercracker ( G1 ) x Reader ( Would You Be My Boyfriend For A Night? ) Part 2

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Reader's POV 

The moment I agreed with his request he stood up and offered me his hand. To my surprise, he was quite taller than me which was okay. With a shy smile, I took hold of his hand and he led me to the dance floor. The way he was holding my hand got my attention the moment our hands touched. He was gentle. He wasn't like other guys who would just grab your hand and lead you to the dance floors like you were on the leash. 

Dwain: "Can I?" 

He asked as looked down at my hips for a moment before looking back into my eyes. He was asking for permission to touch me. I nodded and the second his hands touched my hips he took a good grip on me. Still, he was super gentle. Pulling me closer to him our bodies touched and our eyes met. A new song began to play and together we began to dance.

At that moment I forgot all about making my ex as I enjoyed dancing with Dwain. He was a great dancer and I was having a blast. 

Me: "You are a great dancer Dwain."

Dwain: "You are much better." 

He said making me laugh. As the song finished the new song began to play. But this one was slower and a little bit sexual. Spinning me back to him I looked up meeting his eyes and then I began to move my hips with the rhythm. I liked Dwain and it was time for me to show him more of my moves. A charming smile appeared on his face and I knew that he liked my moves. 

His hands came more around me and he also began to dance. With my hands also on him and our eye contact, I could feel the desire for him inside of me. I stopped moving as my lips began to line in. But before I could kiss him I stopped myself. Dwain's hand came behind my head and he pulled me closer to him kissing me on the lips. I immediately kissed him back and we shared a long kiss. When it was over we realized that the song was already over and that made both of us laugh. 

Dwain: "Do you care for another dance or another drink?" 

Me: "What about dancing first and drink later?" 

Dwain: "As you wish my lady."

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