Ironhide ( G1 ) x Reader ( Put A Finger Down)

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Third Person's POV 

They meet two years ago. Y/N was getting over her breakup as Ironhide was trying to get control over his spark witch was desperately searching for his spark mate. As Y/N decided to take a walk in the forest to get her mind off her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her with HER own cousin, she did not expect to come in the middle of the battlefield between giant robots. 

Ironhide who was fighting against Decepticons with Optimus and other Autobots felt that his spark mate was near. Just as he dodged a blast Starscream sent towards him he looked forwards to seeing a beautiful girl with amazing ( Y/E/C ) eyes hiding behind a tree. For some reason, she turned her attention towards Ironhide. The moment their eyes meet it happened. Ironhide knew that it was her his spark had chosen. She was his spark mare. 

Their first eye contact was ruined as Megatron spotted the girl and sent a shot towards her. But before the attack could hit her, Ironhide jumped in front of her, blocking the attack. 

Ironhide: ''Run.'' 

He said as he looked back at the girl. As much as she wanted to she didn't know why but she didn't want to leave him behind. He just protected her even taught he didn't know her. He saved her life. 

Y/N: ''I don't want to leave you.'' 

The moment Ironhide heard her voice his spark began to beat even faster. She was perfect. 

Ironhide: ''Don't worry about me. I will find you. Now go.'' 

With that Y/N ren away. This is how they meet and of course, Ironhide found her. Y/N was so in shock when he turned up at her doorsteps in his human form. But she knew that it was him from the moment she looked into his beautiful eyes. 

Really soon after meeting, Ironhide asked Y/N out the date and of course, she said yes. She liked him from the first moment she saw him. They shared their first kiss together and from that moment on they dated. True love was something new for both of them but they knew that they were meant to be. 

Months passed and after one year of dating, Ironhide went on one knee and asked Y/N to marry him. With tears rolling down her eyes and a big smile on her face Y/N said: YES! They were so happy and they really taught nothing can change their happiness. But months after their engagement everything went down the hill. 

The couple began to fight a lot. At first, there were small arguments which lasted only a short time but really soon they became worst. They still loved each other very much but that didn't help their disagreement towards each other. But one day it went too far. 

Y/N: ''I can't do this Ironhide! I'm done!'' 

She yelled as she turned towards him.

Ironhide: ''No I'm done! We are done!'' 

He yelled back in anger sending cold chills down Y/N's body. She could hear by his voice that he did mean it. He wanted to break up with her. Y/N turned her gaze on the floor away from him. She did not know what to do. Her heart began to hurt and tears were on the verge of coming. 

Y/N: ''Okay.'' 

With that, she turned around and left his room. The moment she was out of the room, tears began to roll down her eyes. She didn't want this. She loved him more than anything in this world. She only wanted him to not be a jackass when it came to battles against Decepticons. For some missions now he always came home with bruises and cuts. She couldn't see him in pain so she begged him to stop for some time. But a proud Autoboth that he was he didn't want to listen even taught his spark mate was begging him. 

Autobots were giving Y/N a sad look as she walked past them but as much as they wanted to approach her, they knew that she needed time. Y/N went to Optimuses room and closed the doors behind her. With big fat tears rolling down her eyes she placed her back against the doors and slide down. 

She remembered all the good times she had with Ironhide. How happy they used to be. How much love they shared by even looking at each other. She looked down at her left hand to see the beautiful ring. He gave her that ring when he asked her to marry him. Their wedding was supposed to be next week. 

Ironhide came out of his room and the moment that he did he began to look for Y/N. He knew that his words got to her. As he came to other Autobots they showed him the way his mate went. As he came to Optimuses room he was about to open them when Y/N began to sing. 

Y/N: ''Put a finger down if your life's not perfect. 

Put your finger down if your heart's still searching. 

Put your finger down if your soulmate ran away.'' 

Ironhide could hear her voice cracking but she continued. 

Y/N: ''Put your finger down if you feel like maybe. 

No one understands you, they think you're crazy. 

Put a finger down if you don't quite feel okay.'' 

Ironhide turned himself into his human form. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he listen to his love singing. 

Y/N: ''Put your finger down if you love someone. 

Put your finger down if you found the one. 

Put a finger down if they make you feel like new. 

Put a finger down if you miss someone. 

Put a finger down if you won't give up. 

Put a finger down if you know t-they love y-you too.'' 

The moment Ironhide drops on his knees the doors open and Y/N burst into his arms. 

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